How Boba Fett Disintegrated The Mandalorian Code

The Mandalorian showed fans a man in Mandalorian armor who was bound by a code. The War of the Bounty Hunters, however, is showing fans a different man in Mandalorian armor who is bound by no code. The War of the Bounty Hunters is doing an amazing job of showing Boba Fett as the vicious bounty hunter that fans have always wanted. Boba Fett has been hot on the trail of his frozen Han Solo prize, and he is willing to do anything to reclaim him. He makes it clear that his only code is that he will get the job done. Some people have even made connections to words in the comic to the Mandalorian Code.

In Issue #5 of The War of the Bounty Hunters, we see Boba and Valance trying to break into the Super Star Destroyer, Executor, that is holding Han Solo since Vader’s recapture of him. However, they are not alone, Leia, Luke, Lando, and Chewbacca, as well as the Hutts are all trying to get their Han-sicle back. It really is an all-out war when we enter the issue, but Boba and Valance manage to get through the majority of the battle. As Valance panics about the monumental task of getting onboard a Super Star Destroyer in the midst of a battle. Boba replies by saying, “There is always a way.” Some astute fans may remember the phrase often quoted from the Mandalorian Code: “This is the way.” Some fans have also pointed out that this line in The War of the Bounty Hunters from Boba Fett is the opposite message of the phrase so often stated by the characters in The Mandalorian.

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While a large portion of the Mandalorian Code has been removed from canon, it would appear that this phrase implies a deep loyalty to a set plan and agreement to follow orders. On the other hand, Boba’s version of this phrase seems to imply that he makes his own plans and answers to no one. This point is driven home soon after Boba and Valence board the Super Star Destroyer. Boba is grabbed by a K2 security droid, and Valence destroys the droid with an expert shot. Then, mere seconds later, Boba blows up Valence with a detonator after reminding him that their partnership was purely professional, and they agreed whoever had the best shot would win.

Soon after, Boba is able to find Solo, but Leia, Lando, and Chewie are already in the process of freeing him. Before they can, however, an explosion occurs which sends Han’s carbonite coffin into outer space. Boba then uses his jetpack to propel himself through space, and using his grapple, he latches onto Solo and pulls him back to his ship. After all the difficulties, Boba proves victorious in the war and returns Solo to Jabba. Although, he is careful to remind the Hutt that he gave Solo to Jabba, and Boba could take him back.

The relation between the phrases spoken by Din in The Mandalorian and Boba in this series might be a stretch, but it is an interesting, subtle, and smart way to really show the difference between the two characters. This could even come into play in future seasons of The Mandalorian or The Book of Boba Fett. Of course, this could be a throw-away line in a comic, but it would seem to be more. If not the line, then the issue itself serves to show how distanced Boba is from the Mandalorian Code and what binds Din to it in The Mandalorian. It seems Boba will definitely be making a return in the next big comic event, Crimson Reign, and fans can also see him on the screen in The Book of Boba Fett this winter.

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Source(s): Screen Rant

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