Hey, Clone Club! New 'Orphan Black' Series Announced For 2023

Welcome back to the trip, Clone Club! AMC has announced an all new Orphan Black series, set within the universe that brought us strong characters, mysteries and science conspiracies.

The original series premiered on BBC America in 2013, introducing a group of clones from all different walks of life. Tatiana Maslany pulls off the enormous and overwhelmingly impressive feat of playing all 14 on-screen clones. Tatiana played each role so well that she was awarded her first Emmy for Best Drama Actress in a TV show. Orphan Black is arguably one of the projects that launched Tatiana into Marvel's open arms for her upcoming She-Hulk project.

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The original story ended in 2017 and fans were recently gifted with an audio series that described the lives of the beloved clones years later, called Orphan Black: The Next Chapter. Tatiana Maslany and some of her fellow cast members narrate the audio series and bring a healthy dose of nostalgia for fans.

AMC's next installment of the sci-fi thriller will introduce new characters and a new story within the same conspiracy rich universe. Orphan Black: Echoes, will deep dive into the "scientific manipulation of human existence" and follows a group of women, similar to the first series, as they unravel their identities, face betrayal, and find love.

Some of the creative minds behind this new series are Anna Fishko, from Pieces of Her Fame, as showrunner and executive producer, alongside John Fawcett. John was the original co-creator and director of the original series and I am quite excited to see them returning. Ivan Schneeberg and David Fortier are also returning as executive producers on the new series.

There isn't word on if Tatiana will be returning to play one of her many clones but, to be fair, she is embarking on a much bigger project. Tatiana Maslany was cast as Jennifer Walters, or She-Hulk, in one of Disney+'s upcoming Marvel projects. Mark Ruffalo himself went on to state; "Tatiana Maslany is frickin’ legendary as the She-Hulk. I’m passing the banner on to her." This leads us to believe that Tatiana has officially found a home away from home, but this doesn't mean we don't hope to see even the smallest appearance from her on Echoes!

One can't help but let their mind wander on to what they want to see happen in this new series. I watched Orphan Black from the first day it premiered and never missed an episode. Even now, it's one of my favorite series to watch casually when working or winding down. Seeing the announcement for Echoes, the fan in me jumped for joy. While I wished they had chosen to create a live action adaption of the Next Chapter audio book, I do feel like a refreshing new perspective on clones and interesting science is much more enticing.

Truthfully, I am a HUGE science nerd. I hope we get to dig deeper into the science behind creating clones and how genomes are properly sourced and rewritten to create the clones. I am interested to see how this ties in with the original series and how old and new characters will be introduced. There is hundreds of interesting questions that could be asked that go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, and plenty of places to take this new story.

The cast has not yet been announced, but Orphan Black: Echoes will be premiering in 2023 on AMC Networks and it's "sestra" channels. You can stream the original series on Amazon Prime and the direct continuation in audio book form can be listened to via Realm.

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Source(s): Flickering Myth, Deadline

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