Eight 'Star Wars' Video Game Characters Who Deserve To Be Live-Action

With the massive influx of Star Wars content, we will be seeing more and more popular characters from Legends become canon. Disney knows what people like, which is one of the big reasons Ahsoka has now appeared several times in live-action. As more characters from animation make the transition to live-action (such as the aforementioned Ahsoka) there are some classic characters from the video games that Disney should consider. It is a deep well to draw from. So, without further ado, here are eight characters from the video games who should make the move to live-action. 

8. Cal Kestis

The most popular Star Wars video game in the past several years has been the smash hit Jedi: Fallen Order. It follows the young Jedi Cal Kestis as he traverses the galaxy, trying to evade the Empire and find Eno Cordova's holocron. As one of the few Jedi to survive Order 66, his perspective on things could be really interesting. We have not seen much of that so far. We will get some of it from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, but Kenobi is a character that we are all familiar with, and he is a Jedi Master when the order is given. Kestis is a mere Padawan who has to watch his master fall to the clone troopers. We know more Jedi survived the purge than just Obi-Wan and Yoda. As such, Kestis’s story would be a perfect one to follow. 

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7. Galen "Starkiller" Marek

This would be a good one to pair with Kestis. As a secret apprentice to Darth Vader before he finds out about Luke, Malek would be interesting not only because of his backstory, but because he would add more depth to Darth Vader. Vader would not take on a secret apprentice if he was content with the status quo under Palpatine. Malek could help us get into Vader's mindset, showing both that Vader is embracing the Sith idea that the apprentice must eventually overthrow the master, but also that he harbors severe resentment and hatred against Palpatine because of what he has become. It would take some work for Malek to not be overshadowed by the Inquisitors, but it could be really interesting to watch him hunt down Jedi.

4- 6. The Sith Triumvirate 

The Sith Triumvirate is made up of Darth Treya, Darth Sion, and the especially terrifying Darth Nihilus. These three are arguably the coolest Sith we have seen. Treya is a former Jedi (as many Sith are) that turned to the dark side after a long life as the Jedi's premier historian. Darth Sion feeds on pain to the point where it makes him unstoppable. Nihilus is able to drain life from an entire planet. As Kreia says, "even a stray thought may draw him."

These three would be especially good in the (admittedly unlikely) event that Disney strays into darker territory with the property. We have seen planets blown up before, but watching Nihilus drain the life out of every living creature would be entirely different. Watching whatever protagonist fight Sion would be brutal as pain and rage just fuel him. Treya is arguably the most interesting. Watching her pose as an angel on Meetra Surik's shoulder when she is more of the devil is one of the highlights of Knights of the Old Republic II. Her philosophies and gray view of the world would have new fans and old talking for years to come. The pieces are there for a much darker story featuring these three. Disney would be foolish to ignore them. 

3. Kyle Katarn

Yes, we have technically seen Katarn in live-action already, but they are cutscenes for video games. It is true that most of Katarn's story has been made permanently non-canonical (he wasn't in Rogue One, so it is impossible for him to have had anything to do with stealing the Death Star plans) so they would have to change a ton about his story. However, he is still one of the most popular video game characters. Fans would not object to seeing him in a movie or show. Gray Jedi will always be more interesting than either extreme, especially ones who have major struggles against the darkness within. Katarn would be a perfect character to explore that idea. 

2. Bastila Shan

Bastila Shan would be another perfect character to explore the ideals of Jedi vs. Sith in a less extreme setting. Throughout the original Knights of the Old Republic video game, we see that Shan has that anger inside of her, which eventually leads to her fall to the dark side. Eventually, she overcomes her inner darkness and returns to the light. She could showcase the rigidity of the Jedi code while also being a good example of why it might not be the best thing. Her anger gets the best of her, and she falls to the dark side. Then, she is redeemed by the man she eventually marries and has a son with. In the end, she chooses to be with her son, knowing full well that she may never see her husband again when he leaves for his important mission in the Unknown Regions. Seeing her battle meditation power would also be a really cool bonus. Basically, she could represent the extremism of the old Jedi, pointing out why it was flawed.

1. Darth Revan

Is there any other choice for number one? Revan is so popular that Disney subtly made him canon in some promotional material for The Rise of Skywalker. If Disney polled the fans and asked them to vote for one of the characters on this list to be given their own miniseries, Revan would run away with the win. It would not even be close. The story is perfect for its own show, even beyond what we already have in games and comics.

There is a discussion in the second KOTOR game about Revan's tactics when he conquered planets. He left the infrastructure largely intact. He knew that there was a far greater war to be fought beyond the Jedi and the Sith. Something far worse was out there, and if the galaxy were not united, whether under the Jedi or the Sith, they would be utterly unprepared and annihilated by whatever was beyond the known space. So he took on the role of the villain, attempting to set himself up as the ultimate ruler of the galaxy so he could prepare it for the true Sith. He fell to the dark side not because he wanted to, but because he needed to. His radical views after his return to the light are just icing on the cake. Revan's story would make a fantastic show, if not an entirely new series of films. There is a reason why he is one of the most popular Star Wars characters of all time.

Will we see any of these characters in live-action? Some are more likely than others, and if we do, it won't be for quite a while. The potential is there. Disney just needs to tap into it.

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