Gina Carano Claims That She Has Been Bullied By Disney

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As the fallout of the Gina Carano situation continues, the now former The Mandalorian star is opening up about her thoughts in the wake of her extrication from the Star Wars galaxy. In a new sit-down interview with The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro obtained by Deadline, which made its debut on Sunday, Carano claims that she has been the victim of bullying by both Disney and Lucasfilm, and that her firing seemed to be a forgone conclusion for a while.

During the interview, she alleges that there was a target on her back since she first walked through the door:

“They’ve been all over me and they’ve been watching me like a hawk, and I’m watching people on the same production and they can say everything they want, and that’s where I had a problem. I had a problem because I wasn’t going along with the narrative…"

Furthermore, she recounts a more recent instance that took place as
an example:

“You know how boxers head-hunt sometimes and forget to go for the body? I feel like Disney or Lucasfilm or whoever it is, just certain people at that company…I feel like I’ve been being head-hunted (…) and you can feel it. Just a couple of weeks ago, Lucasfilm asked an artist that they employ to erase my character and put a different character in place, and he proudly announces this on Twitter, and erases my character and puts another character in place. All the fans of Cara Dune were just outraged. They were like ‘Why didn’t you add the character? Why did you have to take off the character? Is there something wrong? Is Gina getting fired?'”

She continues that she had pretty much received confirmation about her time coming to a head with an email that got sent her way:

“They accidentally sent me an email, which was very enlightening, so I knew. I knew they were paying attention. I know there were some people who went to bat for me, but I know that they didn’t win out at the end.”

However, Carano decided beforehand that she was going to speak her peace no matter how much scrutiny she was under:

“I was prepared at any point to be let go, because I’ve seen this happen to so many people. I’ve seen the looks on their faces. I’ve seen the bullying that takes place, and so when this started, they point their guns at you, and you know it’s only a matter of time. I’ve seen it happen to so many people, and I just thought to myself (…) ‘you’re coming for me, I know you are.’ ” They’re making it very obvious through their employees who were coming for me, and so I was like, ‘I’m going to go down swinging and I’m going to stay true to myself.’"

While her tenure at Lucasfilm ended abruptly after she posted a story to her Instagram for drawing parallels between modern conservatives and Jews during the Holocaust, Carano had already been the subject of controversy with regard to her social media posts, such as alleging election fraud, and the use of gender pronouns, which had drawn the ire of many within and outside of the Star Wars fanbase. Certainly, Lucasfilm and Disney have had their own issues in the last few years regarding the treatment of a number of talent. However, this is a vastly different situation in terms of scope and scale. What’s immediately clear is that she was given every opportunity to pull back on her statements, but never took them. 

We can only speculate what will happen next as the news continues to develop.

Source(s): The Direct, Deadline

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Gina Carano Claims That She Has Been Bullied By Disney