Fan Created The Most Gruesome Jango Fett Death Using Deleted Footage

While Star Wars, for the most part, is pitched as a franchise suitable for all ages, the series hasn't shied away from showing what a lightsaber can do to a person. In A New Hope, Obi-Wan cut off Ponda Baba's arm during a brief altercation in the Mos Eisely cantina, but that was kind of cool more than anything. It let us know that Obi-Wan was more than a simple hermit. We also had Obi-Wan's death on the Death Star, but that wasn't exactly brutal from a physical standpoint. Vader hit Obi-Wan, then Obi-Wan disappeared. It was more mystical than anything. Well, come the iconic duel between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back, we got to see what a lightsaber can do when Vader slices off Luke's hand, which visibly goes flying while still clutching his lightsaber. It's a fairly brutal moment.

It's not the only one of its kind. Luke cuts off a Wampa's arm earlier in the film, Anakin loses his right arm in a duel with Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones, then Obi-Wan finishes the job by cutting off his other three limbs in Revenge of the Sith. Then there was the brief duel between Mace Windu and Jango Fett in the Petranaki Arena battle during Attack of the Clones. He attempted to shoot Windu several times, but Mace closed the distance and decapitated him.

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While it wouldn't be the only decapitation in the series (Yoda decapitated a pair of clone troopers attempting to kill him during Order 66), it was easily the most brutal. It even makes Count Dooku himself pause in shock, to say nothing of young Boba Fett, who viewed Jango as his father, despite being a clone of him. Even Mace takes a moment to recenter himself after the act. Well, a fan of the series decided that it could be more brutal.

YouTuber Bombastic showcased the original Jango Fett death scene using some deleted footage. In the final cut, the death is brutal but relatively quick. Block shots, slice gun, decapitate, helmet hits the ground while head rolls away. With the deleted footage restored, Mace instead slices off Jango's arm, cuts him on his right hip, then finally decapitates him, leaving his headless body to slump onto the ground, this time missing one arm.

It's easy to see why the death scene was cut down. In terms of brutality, it was a little... needless. Sure, Mace had to kill Jango because it was a battle, and it was either Jango or him, but the quick decapitation was all we needed. It would have been a little much to have his arm cut off, no matter how many times Lucas has done that in the series.

It's also a significant indication that the Jedi are moving farther and farther away from Mace's initial insistence that they're "keepers of the peace, not soldiers." Either they're moving away from their initial creed, or they're peacekeepers in the same way that the soldiers from The Hunger Games are "peacekeepers." The Clone Wars brings out the worst in the Jedi, or, at least, they debase the Jedi order to the point where there is little left of their true ideology. But, on the other hand, these "peacekeepers" sure do make good generals. I guess part of that is that they're just fighting droids for the most part, but during the war, there's no doubt that they are soldiers.

The arena battle from Attack of the Clones is a thrilling, flashy scene filled with death and destruction. But, unfortunately, almost two hundred Jedi go into that arena and don't come out. Jango Fett's death is brief but arguably the highlight. It was shocking as it stands, but as Bombastic showed, it could have been a whole lot worse. Probably for the better that it wasn't.

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Source(s): ScreenRant

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