Top 5 Secondary Characters Who Are Big In The Expanded Universe


Luke, Rey, Anakin, and Leia are just some of the biggest names in the Star Wars galaxy. They are legends within the universe as well as among fans who see them on screen. Within the galaxy far, far away there are dozens of characters that appear only once, or have just a few lines. However, they make such an lasting impression on fans either due to their unique design or personality. Because of this, they are given longer story arcs, and more detailed character development in the Expanded Universe with entire novels and comic series dedicated to them. Just because one is a background character in Star Wars does not necessarily mean that they are unimportant. The vastly huge universe is made up of many interesting people. These are the five biggest background characters who are prominent in the Expanded Universe.

Mon Mothma


Star Wars fans are very familiar with Mon Mothma. She is the leader of the Rebel Alliance and eventually becomes the long serving Chancellor of the New Republic. However if one were to watch just Return of the Jedi, you would realize that we only see her in one scene. She gives the rundown of what will happen at the Battle of Endor, and is never seen again. However, her name and backstory are used in the Return of the Jedi novelization. Her character becomes more noteworthy beginning with Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire where she becomes the Chief of State of the New Republic. She will go on to appear in many other stories in the Expanded Universe.


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In the more recent Star Wars era, Mon Mothma is in the deleted scenes of Revenge of the Sith, is seen in Rogue One with the Rebel forces, and is in a few episodes of Rebels portrayed by Genevieve O'Reilly. The talented actress will reportedly reprise her role in the upcoming Andor. This shows how one character who has just one appearance in Return of the Jedi is now in multiple media as the official leader of the Rebellion.

Admiral Ackbar


It’s a trap! Admiral Ackbar, like Mon Mothma, first appears in Return of the Jedi. Unlike Mon Mothma, he has more screen time as the noted military leader of the Rebel fleet attacking the Second Death Star along with Lando during the Battle of Endor. As a fan favorite, he will make other appearances in books and comics, leading Rebel soldiers against the remnant Imperial forces. He has a major role in the original Thrawn Trilogy, and beyond as the New Republic Supreme military commander. The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi will bring him back, acknowledging his importance among fans.

General Dodonna 

Another character within the Rebellion who is in just one scene, General Dodonna originally only appears in one scene in A New Hope where he briefs the pilots on the weaknesses of the Death Star. The Expanded Universe reveals how after the Battle of Yavin, he sacrifices his life to hold Imperial forces at bay, allowing the remainder of the High Command and Alliance Fleet at Mako-Ta Space Docks to flee to safety. More recently, he appears in Rebels as an important leader of the Rebel Alliance

Boba Fett


Boba Fett as a character has had an interesting run. In the original trilogy, he mostly just stands around in the background of Empire Strikes Back. Then in Return of the Jedi he is quickly disposed of when he is tossed into the Sarlacc pit. Though he does not appear on screen again until Attack of the Clones, Boba Fett will make numerous appearances in the Expanded Universe where his backstory is fleshed out. His popularity leads to his return in the new canon with Mandalorian, and his own series in Book of Boba Fett.

Wedge Antilles


Wedge. What is there to say about him? In many ways he is more than just some background character. He is the definition of secondary character. While he does not have any major story arcs or character developments, he is always there in his X-Wing in the middle of all the action. Wedge will play a major role in the Rogue Squadron and X-Wing novels where we see him leading the Rogue Squadron against the Empire remnants in the time period after Return of the Jedi. He will become synonymous with the Rogue Squadron, making him a prominent character among many fans of the Expanded Universe.

The Star Wars galaxy is quite vast. Many characters who has minor roles or brief appearances in the canon movies do not simply fade away into the background. Through the Expanded Universe, they will go on to play important parts in their own unique and interesting stories, making their marks on to the larger tapestry of the universe.

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