Diego Luna Hopes His Return To 'Star Wars' Will Impress His Son


Rogue One: A Star Wars story was the very first stand-alone Star Wars live-action film. The film showed us the many reasons why the Empire was so feared, how secretive the Death Star was, and the many sacrifices that Rebellion's soldiers had to go through. One of those Rebellion members who did horrible things on behalf of the Rebellion was Captain Cassian Andor. When Actor Diego Luna was cast as Cassian, he made one of his biggest dreams come true.

Being in a Star Wars film not only made Diego’s dream come true, but also reinforced how cool of a dad he is to his children. His 12-year-old son Jeronimo in particular told his father, “My dad is the best” while watching Rogue One. As Diego told SFX Magazine, his son disappointedly also told him, “But you died,” referring to the end of the film. Diego took this as if he was the cool dad, but not so cool as he had died. 

When Diego Luna was informed that he would be returning to portray the role of Cassian Andor in the upcoming Disney+ Star Wars series Andor, he knew this would not only allow him to continue to live his dream to be in the Star Wars universe, but also a chance to be in his son’s “top 10 of coolest.” Nothing shows how great to be a father Diego Luna is than how much he wants his kids to be proud of him. Diego Luna played one of the most beloved characters in Rogue One and made people proud as a Latino lead in a Star Wars film.

The Disney+ exclusive series promises to give us so many new adventures within the Star Wars universe. The plot of this series is still a very mysterious. We know that K-2SO will not be in the first season (though Alan Tudyk has assured fans that the plan is for him to be featured in a later season). One thing we can really be sure about is how excited Diego Luna is to play Cassian again, and how eager he is to see the excitement in his son’s reaction to the return of his father to the Star Wars universe. To see a fan loving an actor’s work is always amazing, but nothing can compare to the face of your very own children watching your work, and loving it. It is extremely clear how important Diego Luna's kids are to him, and how much he wants his kids to be proud of him. 

Many Star Wars fans consider Rogue One to be the best film from the Disney Star Wars era, even if all its main characters were killed at the end. It gave us all more of the war side of Star Wars, and showed us that even if the Rebellion was the “good side,” they still had a dark side to them. It also showed us how characters like Cassian doubted decisions that the Rebellion made, and what he did in order to obtain information, keep secrets, and sabotage Imperial occupied places. 

Although the series Andor will take place years before Rogue One, one can be sure that we will see many chilling decisions made by the Rebellion, and the outcome that Cassian will have to face after completing orders from the Rebellion. The mysterious series will give us amazing new moments that we will remember for a long time, and it will also give Diego’s son Jeronimo another reason to be proud of his amazing father. He will be featured in more stories for his kids to enjoy in the future.

Source(s): Crow River Media

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