Did You Know Grand Moff Tarkin Protected The Rebellion Before 'A New Hope'

In Star Wars: A New Hope, Grand Moff Tarkin aggressively attempts to show the Empire's power by destroying the Rebel planet of Alderaan. This incident demonstrates how the Empire and the aura of the dark side made a once patient General, into a fierce symbol of terror. This is an unambiguous transformation within Tarkin that A New Hope exhibits. In the 2017 comic, Darth Vader #13, Tarkin was more patient and less fierce. In Tarkin's early years leading the Empire, he was strict about using deadly force, restricting its use to only when it was justifiable. This reasoning changes many years later when the Empire captures Princess Leia and Tarkin orders the planet of Alderaan destroyed.

Grand Moff Tarkin moved up through the ranks as Palpatine governed over the Empire in an effort to keep the Rebel Alliance and others at bay. Palpatine strived to strengthen his hold on the galaxy whilst strong-arming those who dared to resist him. During the conflict with the Mon Calamari, Tarkin was trying to negotiate with their leaders for the planet's resources. Of course, Tarkin was trying to get as much as he could for as little cost as possible. Instead of applying the tactic of revolutionary attacks, Tarkin prepared a highly sophisticated exigent circumstances plan, causing only a minor inconvenience rather than accept an uneven plan of attack. The conflict with Mon Calamari occurs years prior to the fierce philosophy Tarkin held in A New Hope when intimidating Princess Leia and ordering the destruction of Alderaan.

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Tarkin would use fear to reestablish stability in the Empire, known as "The Tarkin Doctrine." As Tarkin says in A New Hope; "Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battlestation." This doctrine meant that the Empire would rule the galaxy through fear and intimidation. The Doctrine was officially named: Imperial Communique #001044.02v. The doctrine explained Tarkin's philosophy on maintaining order and enhancing security in the Galactic Empire through state terrorism. This show of fear was exhibited by the design of the ships in their fleet, the armor worn by their soldiers, and most strikingly, the Death Star. The Tarkin Doctrine was based on Tarkin's political beliefs. Tarkin believed that the Empire's power came from what it controlled not from what it destroyed.

Tarkin used his Doctrine to present his plan for the Death Star (DS-1), which Palpatine approved. Tarkin preseneted it in three principles: Territorial Consolidation; Rapid Communication; and, most notoriously, the Rule of Fear. Tarkin felt that superweapons were the answer to the Empire's rule and the Rule of Fear. The notion of building superweapons, which would instill fear into many, stemmed from increased Rebel activity and their ability to engage Imperial troops in modern era naval warfare. The Death Star would be a symbol of how powerful the Empire was.

Hence, what happened to Grand Moff Tarkin as he grew as a leader while serving for the Empire. It is interesting how Tarkin's philosophy changes many years after the Empire clashes with Mon Calamari, when the Rebel Alliance was the most dangerous. The transformation of Tarkin's philosophy is frightening. Is the Empire that evil that Tarkin would be so inclined as to not avoid needless destruction? Tarkin's philosophy was to avoid any use of deadly force unless it was absolutely necessary. Tarkin's philosophy changed during his time in a leadership role in a dark, ominous Empire. During the early years of Tarkin' reign, he was more patient and eager to bring resistance fighters down peacefully, such as was the case with Mon Calamari. The comic issues of 2017's Darth Vader implies that the Rebel Alliance organizing an army persuaded Tarkin to be more aggressive in eliminating rebellion. Years of continued resistance made his heart cruel, "as the villian failed to realize that as long as hope remained in the galaxy, the Empire would never go unopposed".


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