Star Wars: 'The Book Of Boba Fett' Will Probably Be Multiple Seasons Long


The Book of Boba Fett will hopefully be in our lives by the end of the year, and with the year everyone had last year, it cannot come soon enough. It was one of the biggest surprises that appeared at the end of Season 2 of The Mandalorian. Finally, after years and years of waiting, fans will finally get to see everyone’s favorite un-altered clone take center stage to star in his own show. While The Book of Boba Fett is set to premiere on Disney+ this winter, fans may be able to see much more of it than they thought. New rumors have speculated that the show may be gearing up to run for several seasons. 

Recent tweets by the Boba Fett Fan Club have shown off some production stickers that could imply a multi-season plan for the show. In the tweet, we see a picture of three stickers, each one reflecting a different department working on the series. The first sicker is for the effects department and has Buccaneer, the show’s working title, written on it. The next two are stickers with The Book of Boba Fett printed on them for the camera and AD (Assistant Director) department respectively. However, on the effects department sticker, it says Buccaneer Season 1. This could imply that there are multiple seasons being planned for Boba Fett in the future. It is important to note that the Boba Fett Fan Club is a not an official fan club, but they have been around since 1996. Their longevity does lend some credibility.

The same thread later shows a picture of current Boba Fett actor Temuera Morrison signing a photo and wearing a Buccaneer sweatshirt. This would seemingly validate that it was the show’s working title at one point, and that would, in turn, validate the fan club’s post.

That being said, there are several other explanations as to why these stickers look the way they do. It could simply be a case of wishful thinking on behalf of the production team. The current plan of having multiple seasons could change through development. Showrunners may choose to blend The Book of Boba Fett back into The Mandalorian, treating it as a small side story. As grim as it is to think about, the show can still have only one season, and it would technically still be called Season 1. Needless to say, there are a lot of reasons why it could only have one season, but there are also many reasons for it to have multiple seasons. 

Personally, I do not see why Disney would want to end a potential classic like The Book of Boba Fett. Fans have clamored for a stand-alone Boba Fett show, movie, or game since the character's debut in the Star Wars: Episode V- The Empire Strikes Back. Boba Fett is also one of the most recognizable characters in the Star Wars universe. I do not think anyone would grow tired of a multi-season story following the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. It would also be great to have a side story weaving in and out the main story of The Mandalorian. Two separate stories working together and crossing over every once in a while would have a Marvel-esque feel. However, I think it could be cool to see it done in a Star Wars series. Regardless, I hope these leaked images mean that we will get several seasons of adventure with Boba Fett. While we have not seen much of anything from the show yet, I think it is long overdue for Boba Fett to take center stage as he always has in the hearts of fans.

Source: Comic Book

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