Dave Filoni Shares New Sketch Of Ahsoka With Baby Yoda

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One of the best things about the second season of The Mandalorian was that fans were given a look into the life of popular ex-Jedi and former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano. Since she left the Jedi Order after being cleared of false charges not long before Order 66, we've enjoyed seeing where she ended up after that. When fans first heard that she'd be in The Mandalorian, there were high hopes that we'd be in for a real treat. 

We weren't disappointed. With her twin white lightsabers, she cuts through the forces of the evil local governor, and once Din Djarin actually meets her, we see the bitter, tired person she has become. She isn't in the story for very long, really only long enough to tell Mando where to go next, but the biggest addition she gave to the show was finally revealing Baby Yoda's real name. 

Grogu. His name is Grogu.


He'll always be Baby Yoda to me and most people. 

Despite that odd reveal, we weren't disappointed when it came to the interactions between Ahsoka and Grogu. There was real development both in the story and Grogu's character, as well as glimpses into his past before the galaxy he is enduring in his travels with Din. It makes for some good moments when we see the two of them interact, especially in how it reveals that Grogu has come to trust Din far more than any Jedi they might encounter.

On Christmas, Dave Filoni, who has worked on both The Mandalorian and the The Clone Wars TV show, shared a sketch of Ahsoka and Baby Yoda, depicting a touching scene between the two of them on Corvus. If there's anybody who understands Ahsoka, it's Filoni, who was a key force in getting her integrated into The Mandalorian. He will also be writing once of the latest in a long string of upcoming Star Wars TV projects, Ahsoka, which is scheduled to be released on Disney+. The drawing was a way for him to express his gratitude to the fans after he has been able to create the stories they love for them. The artwork came with the following message.

“On behalf of the crews of The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian, I want to thank everyone for your support this past year. It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to make stories for you, your friends and families to share. As we head towards the New Year, I wanted to share this small bit of wisdom from my mentor:

‘The best way to pursue happiness is to help other people. Nothing else will make you happier’ - George Lucas

Happy Holidays,


There's a certain joy that comes from being able to create beloved stories and characters. As a fiction writer myself who has a small but loyal following, I know that there is nothing quite like pouring your heart and soul into a character or story and having it be loved. That Ahsoka has been accepted by the Star Wars community, one that is quite vocal and defensive about what they love and want to be in their beloved series, is a huge achievement. Perhaps a big part of her acceptance was her inclusion in The Clone Wars animated series, where the writers could develop and flesh out her character however they wanted. It worked, and that can be seen in the positive response to the news that she would show up in the best Star Wars show ever made. 

The artwork depicting Ahsoka and Grogu is meaningful, not just because of the scene it shows, but also because of what it represents for Dave Filoni. It represents his gratitude for what he is able to do for the passionate Star Wars community. At the end of the day, what could be better than that?

Source(s): The Direct


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