Crimson Dawn Easter Egg In 'Book Of Boba Fett'

This past week, we ended 2021 with the pilot episode of The Book of Boba Fett. Everyone has been waiting for this series to drop ever since Boba Fett made an appearance in The Mandalorian. After all, there were many unanswered questions concerning what happened to our notorious bounty hunter ever since we last saw him take a tumble into the sarlacc pit back in Return of the Jedi. Apparently he did not go very far, since he was still on Tatooine when we revisited the planet in The Mandalorian roughly five years after the events of Return of the Jedi. While the internet was buzzing with excitement over the canonical answer to the “How did Boba Fett escape the sarlacc?” question, some astute minds (with really keen ears) pointed out that a certain criminal syndicate may be making an appearance in Book of Boba Fett.

The brilliant Swedish composer, Ludwig Goransson, who had won the Academy Award for Best Original Score for his work on Black Panther, returned to score The Mandalorian’s spin-off series Book of Boba Fett. The theme of the new series centering around the infamous bounty hunter have similar tribal and western feels as the main theme of The Mandalorian. This is not surprising, as Goransson was also responsible for scoring The Mandalorian. The main theme of Book of Boba Fett has similar tribal and western feels as that of The Mandalorian, albeit the fanfare is slightly toned down. In addition, a distinctive three-note motif in the minor key is woven in amidst the tribal drums and vocals in The Book of Boba Fett theme.

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Here is a sample of The Book of Boba Fett main theme;

Does this repeated three-note motif sound familiar? You might have heard it in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Try to catch the motif again in this compilation of the Crimson Dawn theme;

The motif is very clear in “Meet Han” right at the beginning at 0:00. You can also hear it again a little more subtly at 4:33 in “Qi’ra Knows a Bit More Than Han.” If you are not still convinced of the association between this particular motif and the Crimson Dawn, fast forward to 6:52 to “Maul’s Call/Parting Ways.”

When you go back to listen to the Book of Boba Fett main theme again, you may notice that this particular motif is actually repeated throughout the entire piece. What can this mean? Do we dare to postulate that Crimson Dawn may play a bigger role in the series?

We last saw Crimson Dawn chronologically in the on-screen Star Wars saga in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The end of Solo saw Han Solo’s former paramour Qi'ra taking over the reigns of the organization. However, in the time between Solo and the beginning of the original trilogy, the group has apparently disappeared into obscurity. The recent canon comic book crossover event War of the Bounty Hunters depict the return of Crimson Dawn, filling in a portion of the timeline between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. From the films, it appeared as if Boba Fett left Cloud City with the carbonite-frozen Han Solo and made his way over to Tatooine right away to deliver the beloved smuggler to Jabba the Hutt. However, according to War of the Bounty Hunters, Boba Fett met a few obstacles during his delivery. Crimson Dawn, still under the leadership of Qi’ra, had stolen Han Solo from Boba Fett. To formally announce their return to the criminal underworld, Qi’ra decided to auction off her former significant other to the highest bidder. All the players were invited; the Hutts, the Pyke Syndicate, Black Sun, and the Empire. While the Rebel Alliance was not explicitly invited, we all know that Princess Leia and company would have to get involved too.

The comics storyline aside, we know that Boba Fett has a score to settle with Crimson Dawn. He is not one to let this affront slide. It appears the next canon comic book miniseries Crimson Reign will look into the rise of Crimson Dawn and the story of Qi’ra after the events of War of the Bounty Hunters. With the Crimson Dawn theme so prominent in the Book of Boba Fett main theme, it may only be a matter of time before Boba Fett's burgeoning criminal empire makes contact with Crimson Dawn.

Await the reign.

READ NEXT: How 'The Book Of Boba Fett' Could Connect To 'The War Of The Bounty Hunters'


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