Theory: Ben Solo Didn't Really Die At The End Of Rise Of Skywalker

One of the most controversial characters in the Star Wars universe, it seems that you either love or hate Kylo Ren – redeemed in the last movie and now known by his given name – Ben Solo. Those who love the character were left heartbroken when he died at the end of Rise of Skywalker – but is he really dead?

There are many theories that emerged after the movie premiered. Some are rather ridiculous, but there are a couple that hold some promise. Being the Ben Solo enthusiast that I am, here are a couple that I found believable.

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In a recent youtube video, a creator theorizes that because Rey and Ben Solo were a dyad in the Force – essentially two halves of a whole (or soulmates, as many fans like to think of it, myself included) – which meant that if one half died, the other half of the Dyad would live their life out as an empty shell of a person. How JJ Abrams ended the Skywalker Saga with us wanting more, asking more questions than we came in with, and leaving us all to come up with our own explanations.

This creator theorizes that because Rey and Ben were the prophesized dyad in the Force, that Ben essentially transferred his own life force into Rey, thereby living as the other half of her soul inside her. Lending credence to his theory is the last words of Ben Solo to Rey in Rae Carson’s novelization of The Rise of Skywalker – “I will always be with you.”

We all know that Force and essence transference is possible in Star Wars – it’s what kept Palpatine existing all those years, after all – so it would be possible for Ben Solo to make a return in the future. Essentially, according to the theory, all he would have to do is find something – or someone – to transfer his consciousness into.

Another theory that many people have talked about is using the World Between Worlds – also known as the Vergence Scatter.

As we know, the World Between Worlds can be used to save people, simply by bringing them to the place where all paths converge. Although the entrance was destroyed by Ahsoka Tano and Ezra Bridger, like everything in Star Wars, it could be rediscovered and accessed. If this happened, it would be simple for a Force wielder of Rey’s strength to pull her other half into the same timeline as she is, thereby altering his death on Exegol and bringing him back to life.

I know there are many other theories out there, but these two are the ones I think are the most feasible. With a character as beloved as Kylo Ren/Ben Solo has become to the fans of the sequel trilogy, I would think Disney would find a way to bring him back into the Galaxy.

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SOURCES: CBR Wookieepedia


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