Another ‘The Bad Batch’ Trailer Has Leaked Online, Here’s What’s Inside

Tech, Echo, Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair

Besides the official trailer for season 2 of The Bad Batch released today, fans who were lucky enough to attend the panel for the animated show were treated to another short clip of what to expect from the show when it is released in the fall of 2022. These roughly 2 minutes contain some of the scenes featured in the official trailer and a new exciting confirmation.

The trailer starts with the cloning facility’s destruction on Kamino from season 1 and then cuts to a new character who wonders about the quality control of the cloning process if former clones of the Republic are now on the run from the Empire.

But the probably most important scene from this trailer is a meeting between Commander Cody (who doesn’t seem to have changed much since his days during the Clone Wars) and Crosshair. Cody explains that the Empire will make the galaxy better, to which Crosshair answers that soldiers just do what needs to be done and then repeats his mantra from season 1: “Good soldiers follow orders.”

The rest of the trailer is a quick montage of space and ground battles, many of which are featured in the official trailer. But we now have official confirmation that Commander Cody will be in season 2 of The Bad Batch and that he obviously didn’t have his inhibitor chip removed, as he is still in service of the Empire.


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