Donnie Yen Discusses Reprising Fan Favorite 'Star Wars' Character


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is arguably the most successful Disney era Star Wars movie in terms of reception from both critics and fans. And some box office success certainly helps reinforce that, as well. The film introduced audiences to a new set of characters. Even though this story takes place in an era that is so familiar, right down to the aesthetics that people know mainly from the original trilogy, it got fans invested in new characters and their mission. But as interesting as they were, this was very much a one-and-done film, with the new characters meeting their ends within the final battle on Scarif at the end of the film.

Any other story featuring any of these characters had to take place before the film. Cassian Andor is getting his own prequel TV show, which will begin five years prior to the film and feature K-2SO sometime after the first season. Jyn and her family's story was told in the novels Catalyst and Rebel Rising. Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus' guardian activities were told in the junior novel Guardians of the Whills. So these characters have definitely popped up elsewhere in material preceding the film chronologically.

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While we are on the subject of those Guardians, Chirrut in particular made a huge impression because, even though he's not a Jedi, he has a lot of faith in the Force and uses it to guide him, a person who is blind. The question has arisen as to whether or not Chirrut Imwe could return onscreen. In an interview with Looper, actor Donnie Yen talked about the possibility of reprising the role of the Chirrut Imwe at some point onscreen. Here is what he said:

“Well, I would definitely consider it. I had a great time shooting Rogue One, and I guess people like my character. It really depends, you don't know what they're thinking. I leave it up to Disney to sort it out. We'll see. I believe in destiny. A lot of times, what brings people together in one film, it's all about timing and destiny.”

It sounds like Donnie Yen is open to returning to the role if Disney and Lucasfilm ever ask him and have a story to tell. Theoretically, he could appear in the Andor TV series. He is still alive in that era. However, he cannot meet Cassian Andor, as they do not know each other prior to the film. The series would have to be the type of story that shows what other characters across the galaxy are up to, without them necessarily interacting with each other. A panoramic view of the galaxy would be an interesting way to tell this series' story, as it would show different aspects of the conflict between the Rebels and the Empire.

But of course, this is all hypothetical. We do not really have an idea of how the story of the Andor TV series will be told to us. Honestly, I would be very surprised if Chirrut Imwe ever appeared in the series. But I would not be opposed to it if it were told in a way that feels justified within the context of the story.

So what do you think? Should Donnie Yen reprise his role as Chirrut Imwe in Cassian Andor's series, or in something else? Or is his character's story already complete enough? Feel free to let us know in the comments wherever you may be reading this.

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Source(s): Screen Rant

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