The Saddest Episodes From 'Star Wars: Rebels'

Possible Spoiler For Seasons 2- 4 Of Star Wars: Rebels

Star Wars is no stranger to heartbreak no matter what part of the franchise you love. It is no exception for the Star Wars: Rebels animated series, which was on air for four seasons from 2014 to 2017. Rebels is often seen as the softer version of The Clone Wars animated series with its generally lighter tone, especially in the beginning. However, that does not mean there aren’t plenty of darker episodes that seem to rip your heart out. Here is a list of some of the saddest episodes in Rebels.

5. “The Last Battle”

Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, and Rex fights Separatist droids

In Season 3 Episode 6, Kanan, Ezra, Chopper, Zeb, and Rex search an old Separatist ship, which had crashed on the planet. Almost immediately Rex shows signs of possible PTSD the second he steps foot off of the Ghost. Not long after entering the crashed ship does the gang discover that not all of the Separatist droids were shut down.


They are captured and strike up a deal with the Super Tactical Droid to go through one last battle to decide the winner of the Clone Wars once and for all. During all of this, it is tragic to watch Rex, who has gone through so much in the Clone Wars, be thrown back into that fight. At one point, he even mistakes Kanan for Cody and snaps at Ezra for not following orders. In the end, Ezra is able to bring both Rex and the tactical droid to an agreement when the Empire shows up. The entire episode is one big reminder that the true winner of the Clone Wars is the Emperor.

4. “Heroes Of Mandalore: Part 2”

Sabine's Arc Pulse Generator used on Mandalorians

Throughout the four seasons of Rebels fans slowly get to learn about Sabine’s past and her relationship with her family. Season 3 Episode 2 opens immediately with a tragedy. Following Part 1, Sabine and her friends Ezra and Kanan fight alongside her Mandalorian clan to save her father. Even though they succeed in the end, they do not have time to celebrate before realizing something terrible while Sabine’s mother and brother are still fighting. They discover that Sabine’s Arc Pulse Generator, which she designed while still an Imperial cadet, has been rebuilt by the Empire. The machine targets the Mandalorian armor, killing the one wearing it while leaving the armor itself. At first, it appears that her mother and brother have died in this attack, but they are quickly revealed to be alive. This does not stop other Mandalorians from being furious at Sabine and blaming her for what happened. Luckily she and her clan are able to infiltrate where the weapon is being kept and is able to turn it on the stormtroopers. Watching Sabine face her past with her family and then face her past with the Empire is a lot for this character. In the end, the experience makes her stronger.

3. “Twilight Of The Apprentice”

Ahsoka duels Darth Vader and discovers he is Anakin Skywalker

Season 2 Episode 22 is the episode all Star Wars fans have been waiting for. In this episode, fans get to see Ahsoka, Kanan, and Maul all fight together to defeat three Inquisitors while on the planet Malachor. However, the scene that really gets fans excited is when Darth Vader arrives, standing on his TIE fighter. Fans finally see a battle between Ahsoka and Darth Vader and see Ahsoka manages a blow to Darth Vader's iconic helmet. As amazing as the duel is, it does not prepare fans for the absolute gut punch when Anakin Skywalker’s voice calls out Ahsoka’s name. In the end, Ahsoka chooses to stay and fight Vader so that the others can get away. Shockingly enough, this is not the only tragic thing in the episode. In the battle with Maul, Kanan loses his sight and Ezra has to deal with supposedly losing Ahsoka and blaming himself for trusting Maul.

2. “Jedi Night”

Ezra Sacrifices Himself To Save Hera

Similar to number 4 on this list, Season 4 Episode 10 begins with tragedy with Hera being captured by the Empire after she crashes on Lothal. Of course, Kanan is able to rescue Hera. Through the entire episode fans finally get to see some sweet and romantic interactions between Hera and Kanan, at least more than in earlier seasons. Hera tells Kanan that she loves him, and fans see the two kiss. However, the happiness is short-lived. Just when it appears that they will make it out okay when Sabine and Ezra arrive in a ship disguised as the Empire, the fuel tanks they are standing on explode. Kanan uses the Force to hold back the flames so the others can get away but is unable to save himself. Kanan’s sacrifice is possible one of the most devastating things to happen in the entire series.

1. “Family Reunion- And Farewell”

Star Wars Rebels Series Finale Thrawn Ezra Purrgil

The only thing more tragic than number 2 on this list is Season 4 Episode 15, the series finale. This is what Star Wars: Rebels has been building up to. The battle of Lothal is everything fans have hoped for. However, when Thrawn positions his ship above the dome as the Rebels try to launch into space, Ezra offers himself up to stop Thrawn from firing on the innocents of Lothal. He goes up alone, ready to do what needs to be done to save his planet and friends. In the end, he is brought to a holoprojection of Darth Sidious who tempts him with the promise of reuniting with his parents. He does not fall for it, of course, and fights his way to the bridge to finally face off with Thrawn. Admiral Thrawn is hardly fazed by this until Ezra’s backup plan comes in for the rescue. A massive herd of Purrgils come out of hyperspace and destroy all of Thrawn’s fleet before their tentacles burst through the glass of Thrawn’s cruiser and wrap themselves around him. Knowing that his fate would be the same as Thrawn’s, Ezra gives one last emotional goodbye to his friends as the Purrgils jump into hyperspace. What is left is a resounding silence as our heroes stare into the empty sky.

This is what this writer thinks are the top five saddest episodes of Rebels. Let us know what you think!



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