Top 10 ‘Star Wars’ Plot Holes


Telling stories is hard, and even the best storytellers run into difficulties in telling their stories from time to time. It is impossible to plan out every single detail of a story (unless you are Tolkien) to make it bulletproof to critics. Some logical inconsistencies or odd story beats are bound to come up, and even the best filmmakers and writers do not always have all the answers. A franchise as massive as Star Wars is bound to have its fair share of peculiar story beats. Unfortunately today, that means that fans will post every inconsistency they can think of online for the world to see. That being said, here is my list of odd plot points in Star Wars that can make you scratch your head. 

10. Anakin’s Force Ghost


We know Anakin is the “chosen one,” or that is what George Lucas would have us believe. Although, his fall is harder than the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. He murdered children, blew up a planet, killed his own guards, and attempted to kill both of his kids. In the end, he was somehow still able to return to the Light Side of the Force and become a Force ghost. I guess that goes to show you that there is nothing like a good apology.

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9. Luke In Hiding

In Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Senator Bail Organa, and Master Yoda decided that Luke and Leia must be taken into hiding. Leia got to be a princess on Alderaan, and in a fair trade-off, Luke got to be a farmer on a desert planet, the same planet his dad is from. I know hiding in plain sight is a valid strategy, but this plan seemed a little on the nose. However, Anakin did hate sand. It is coarse and rough, and it gets everywhere. Honestly, I would not go back there either, so maybe it was the right call. At least Luke had better places to hide as an adult. He may be the hide-and-seek champion of Star Wars.

8. Galaxy Forgets The Jedi

The Jedi were once the peace-keepers of the galaxy. They were known far and wide as heroic warriors. Then Darth Sidious almost made them extinct across the galaxy. Surely their memory would live on in the hearts of the galactic citizens right? As it turned out, the galaxy had a very short-term memory. In the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, the galaxy all but forgot about the Jedi. Of course, there were a few years between the two films, but you would think that somebody would remember the Jedi. Then again, maybe the Jedi were just like superheroes or Big Foot in the Star Wars universe. After all, no one recognizes Superman as Clark Kent.

7. Droids Hierarchy


The Separatist Army and the Republic were locked in a fierce battle during the Clone Wars. The Republic had an army of genetically superior and highly trained clones. The Separatists had an army of robots. However, much like the clones, the droid army had a hierarchy similar to a traditional military. That seems rather odd because someone had to spend time programming the droids, so it seems like they would program them all to be on the same level for simplicity’s sake. After all, weren't they just controlled by a central server? Then again, if Grievous had anything to say about the programming of the droids, their ranks may make more sense. 

6. Emperor’s Death


This may not be as much of a plot hole as it is a grievance, and it flows well into the next entry on the list. Emperor Palpatine died in Return of the Jedi, or so we thought. Actually, he survived, created Supreme Leader Snoke, and formed the First Order which seemed to be part of his ultimate plan all along. First of all, how did he survive the fall? It seems that The Mandalorian and The Bad Batch are gearing up to explain that he was using some sort of cloning technology, but we have yet to get any concrete answers. 

5. The Prophecy

That would lead me into my next point. The Jedi prophecy tells of a "chosen one" who would bring balance to the Force. Lucas holds true that Anakin brings balance to The Force, but he fell to the Dark Side. Then you could argue that Luke is the "chosen one" because he turned Anakin back to the Light Side and killed Palpatine. However, Palpatine did not die and was much later defeated by Rey. so who is the real "chosen one"? Was the prophecy accurate at all? Maybe George R.R. Martin was right. Prophecies are tricky to get right. The Jedi who created the prophecy may have been drinking too much blue milk to think straight. 

4. Leia Never Grieves For Alderaan


For being a princess, Leia had a rough life. Sure she got to live as a princess for a while, which was more than her brother got, but she was tortured by her dear old dad and had her home planet along with everyone she has ever loved blown up. It makes you start to think that Luke got the better end of the separation deal. However, you would also think that Leia would have taken the destruction of her home planet a little harder emotionally. I know she had to escape the Death Star soon after that, but we never see her so much as shed a tear over the loss. That seemed a little odd since she just witnessed the destruction of her planet. Perhaps the grieving happened off-camera. I will just chalk this one up to Leia being a hard-core Rebel scum. 

3. Nobody Recognizes The Droids


Few characters in Star Wars have appeared in all of the films. Two characters who have this honor are none other than the droids C-3PO and R2-D2. Those two have been around from the beginning, but after Order 66 everyone seems to forget about them. This is especially true for Obi-Wan. He famously said, "I don't recall ever owning a droid," which must make poor R4 incredibly upset in droid heaven. How could he not remember R2-D2 when they literally fought together during the Clone Wars? Also, why didn’t R2 tell anyone about everything he knew about Darth Vader, the Jedi, the Emperor, the Empire, and basically every other piece of information that could help the Rebels. Maybe that was R2's payback for Obi-Wan forgetting his name and all the complaining Obi-Wan did during their missions together. 

2. Ewok’s Dress For Leia

The Ewoks are some of the most adorable creatures in all of Star Wars. They are a major reason the Rebels were able to win the battle on Endor. They also rescued Leia when she fell off her speeder bike, and gave her a fancy new dress. On the other hand, we know that the Ewoks are a primitive species who do not appear to have come into contact with many people from other worlds. The question is where did they get her dress? It did not seem likely that they made it themselves, and even if they did how did they get the size perfect? We see the Ewoks tried to roast Han, Luke, and Chewie, so my guess is they cooked and ate someone that was Leia's exact size. 

1. Leia’s Mother


The reveal that Luke and Leia were siblings was a huge plot-twist that would go on to shape all of pop-culture and spark numerous debates. In that conversation, however, Leia commented that she remembers her mother being beautiful. Then years later Revenge of the Sith showed the birth of Luke and Leia, thus completing the Star Wars circle. The problem is that Luke and Leia were separated from their mother immediately after they were born, so how does Leia remember what Padme looked like? Childhood memories are vague at best, and I cannot even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. That begs the question of how could Leia remember or know what her mother looked like? Maybe she meant her adoptive mother, or maybe they showed her pictures of Padme as a child. I think I will just call this "Force mumbo-jumbo."

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