You Have Never Seen This Deleted Scene From ‘Revenge Of The Sith’

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, widely considered the best of the prequel trilogy, saw the end of the Clone Wars, the Great Jedi Purge, the Galactic Republic’s transformation into the Galactic Empire, and Anakin Skywalker’s “death” and rebirth into the iconic Darth Vader. It included many other references to the original trilogy, including an appearance of the Tantive IV and Chewbacca himself (fighting alongside Yoda during the Battle of Kashyyyk right before Palpatine issued Order 66), and one last visit to Tatooine, the first planet we ever saw in the Star Wars saga Well, we thought it would be the last visit as far as the movies are concerned.

While we saw liberty die with thunderous applause, we did not really get to see the birth of the Alliance to Restore the Republic (commonly known as the Rebel Alliance). This was a rather odd thing to skip, as the Rebel Alliance was at the center of the original three movies. We would see how the Rebels got their start in the Legends game The Force Unleashed and the canon series Star Wars: Rebels. However, it still felt odd that we did not get to see the spark in Revenge of the Sith, especially since they actually filmed a scene for it.

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One of the key driving forces for this Rebellion would be Padme Amidala, the queen-turned-senator of Naboo, and Anakin’s secret wife. Not every senator was happy with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s decisions, as many felt he was on his way to erasing democracy, which was exactly the plan of the secret Sith Lord. Padme and Bail Organa, senator of Alderaan and future adoptive father of Leia, would bring together a group of like-minded senators to debate this and convince the Chancellor to give up his emergency powers and preserve the democracy. This would be known as the Delegation of 300. It did not end there.

Among the senators in attendance was Mon Mothma, the future leader of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Together, these senators discussed the rapidly changing nature of the senate and what this meant for the future of the Republic. Bail Organa said that he would not let a thousand years of democracy be swept away by Chancellor Palpatine, and said that he and Mothma were putting together an organization. Although he did not state it outright, the reference to the Rebel Alliance was clear. This appeared to be the spark that led to everything else, and eventually resulted in the rebirth of the Galactic Republic.

It may be hard to see why this scene was cut from the final product, as it alluded to one of the key plot points of the original trilogy. On the other hand, it is easy to see why this was done. The politics of the prequel trilogy were generally seen as the weakest part of movies. It had been the subject of parody in shows like the Simpsons. Therefore, the production team decided to cut out some of the more political aspects of the film to focus on Anakin’s fall to the dark side instead. Regardless of your thoughts on the movie, we cannot deny that we were all waiting to see him become Darth Vader.

Of course, there were plenty of other deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith. Which one do you think was the biggest loss for the movie?

With 2022 currently in full swing, is there anything you would like to see from us this year? Share this post on social media if you want to give your two cents, and remember that spreading the word is never a bad idea. Apart from that, this has been another Culture Slate article, and I hope to see you later.

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Source(s): CBR

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