Ranking The Best ‘Star Wars’ Romances

When George Lucas wrote his space opera in three acts Star Wars in 1977, he knew there would be romance involved. From the prequel trilogy through the sequel trilogy, including Legends, here is a list of my favorite Star Wars romances. 

8. Revan & Bastila Shan

Thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, war raged through the galaxy. It was the time of the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. The Jedi-turned-Sith-turned-Jedi again Revan had met the Jedi Knight-turned-Sith-turned-Jedi Master Bastila Shan when she rescued him from his Sith Apprentice Darth Malak, who betrayed Revan and tried to kill him.

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Bastila was the reason Revan turned back to the light. When they married, the Jedi Council was far from pleased. The bond the couple shared could not be ignored, however, and the Council reluctantly agreed to not speak out against their marriage if Revan would not spread his new philosophy about love to the rest of the Order.

Revan left for the Unknown Regions a few years later in search of answers, plagued by his resurfacing memories. He never returned, and Bastila never remarried, raising their son Vaner by herself. Imprisoned in the Maelstrom, Revan continued to watch over her in her dreams through the Force.

7. Jaina Solo Fel & Jagged Fel

Being the only daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo would give someone a sense of confidence, I imagine. That was the truth when it came to Jaina Solo. The woman who was given the title “Sword of the Jedi” during the Yuuzhan Vong War in the Legends novels, Jaina met Jagged Fel (son of the legendary pilot Baron Soontir Fel) during the war. The couple let their duties come between them several times – her duty to the Jedi Order, his to the Chiss Empire. Eventually, Jagged stepped down from his duties, and the pair were married.

6. Jacen Solo & Tenel Ka Chume Ta’Djo

Jacen Solo was the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo and the twin brother of Jaina Solo Fel. While at his Uncle Luke’s Jedi Praxeum, he met Hapan Princess Tenel Ka Chume Ta’Djo, who went by Tenel Ka to keep her lineage a secret (she wanted people to like her for who she was, not the fact she was a princess). Jacen cut off her hand after she made her first lightsaber and it malfunctioned. Tenel then retreated back to Hapes to recover.

The two fell in love during the Yuuzhan Vong War, although their love would not be realized until years later during the Dark Nest Crisis. This resulted in the birth of their daughter, Allana.

Their love was doomed, however, when Jacen murdered his aunt Mara Jade Skywalker on Kavan to take on the mantle of the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. Tenel sided with the Jedi in the Second Galactic War. Caedus kidnapped their daughter after Tenel had ordered her ships to fire on his over Kashyyyk. Her family eventually rescued her, and Caedus continued to battle his enemies until his twin sister killed him in a lightsaber duel. In his last living moments, he sent a message to Tenel through the Force, warning her that she and Allana were in danger from Imperial Remnant’s nanokillers.

5. Luke & Mara Jade Skywalker

Raised as a servant and assassin to Emperor Palpatine, Mara Jade became the deadly Emperor’s Hand, dealing out justice against those who had wronged the Emperor. After Palpatine’s death (remember, this is Legends), she pursued Luke Skywalker to carry out her last mission for the Emperor – killing Luke Skywalker. The two worked on many missions together over the years, and realized they loved each other during a mission where they had to meld minds in order to perfectly coordinate their efforts. Eventually the assassin-turned-smuggler-turned-Jedi married her “Farmboy” and gave birth to their son, Ben Skywalker. Luke and Ben were devastated when Mara was killed by Jacen Solo in his bid to become Sith Lord Darth Caedus.

4. Anakin Skywalker & Padme Amidala

Anakin and Padme met on Tatooine when he was just 9 years old when he was a slave for the Toydarian junk dealer and human trafficker Watto. Anakin started his journey as a Jedi shortly after they met, and the couple did not see each other again for a decade.

Of course, this couple’s love was doomed as well. Notice a pattern here?

After Padme’s life was threatened by the Clawdite bounty hunter Zam Wesell’s assination attempt, Anakin was tasked with protecting her. The pair grew close during their time in the lake country on Naboo. They married as the Clone Wars began, and shared three years together during the conflict.

After becoming pregnant, Padme watched as her husband fell to the dark side on Mustafar. After begging him to return to the light, Padme died after giving birth to their twins, which she named Luke and Leia. There are many theories as to why Padme died, but we can all agree that she definitely did not want Anakin to become Darth Vader.

3. Han Solo & Leia Organa

Han and Leia are the OG couple of the Star Wars franchise. They met on board the Death Star after Luke Skywalker convinced Han and Chewbacca to lead a rescue mission for the doomed Alderaanian princess. Leia was less than impressed with the gruff smuggler and his ship, and she let him know that under no circumstances would he ever order her around again.

The two shared a love-hate relationship that spanned decades, and they married after the Battle of Endor, starting a family not long after. Han and Leia are the main couple of the Star Wars franchise, and their importance to the galaxy is well known to all fans of Star Wars.

2. Hera Syndulla & Kanan Jarrus

Hera was a Twi’lek female born on Ryloth. She first encountered the former Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus on the mining moon of Cynda. After working together during the Gorse conflict, Kanan joined her nascent Rebel cell. the Spectreswho operated off Syndulla’s VCX-100 light freighter Ghost.

The couple soon became close as they worked together, and Kanan took on the task of training Padawan Ezra Bridger as a Jedi. Like almost every other Star Wars couple, their relationship came to a tragic end. Kanan sacrificed himself on Lothal to allow the rebels to escape when Governor Arihnda Pryce ordered her walker to fire on the fuel pod they were on. Kanan became part of the Cosmic Force, appearing to Ezraas a large Loth-wolf named Dume.

Hera gave birth to their son, Jacen Syndulla, after his death.

1. Ben Solo & Rey

My favorite Star Wars romance, Ben Solo and the scavenger-turned-Jedi Rey was the prophesied Dyad in the Force. Born to Han Solo and Leia Organa-Solo, Ben was the only child of the galactic heroes, and was destined for greatness from birth – whether as a senator, pilot, or Jedi. He was sent to his Uncle Luke’s Jedi academy as a young boy when his proclivity for the Force became too much for his parents to handle on their own.

Rey was a scavenger on the Outer Rim desert planet of Jakku. Left there by her parents at age five to keep her from being discovered by her grandfather, Darth Sidious, Rey grew up alone, thinking her parents would one day return for her.

The couple met on Takodana, when Ben, under the mantle of Kylo Ren, discovered she had seen a map leading to his Uncle, Luke Skywalker. Ben and Rey shared a unique Force bond, not realizing they were a Dyad (aka. Soulmates). Over time, even though they were on opposing sides of a war, they came to understand one another.

They finally came together after Ben shed the mantle of Kylo Ren and redeemed himself on Kef Bir. Joining her on Exegol, he helped Rey defeat Darth Sidious, and then sacrifice himself to bring her back to life.

Even though they only shared a few brief moments of happiness and a kiss, their relationship was made canon in The Rise of Skywalker, igniting a heated debate within the Star Wars community.

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Source(s): Wookieepedia

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