Which Famous 'Star Wars' Legends Character Could Christopher Lloyd Play?

Great Scott!

Hollywood Reporter recently announced that legendary actor Christopher Lloyd will be coming to the Star Wars universe in addition to the cast of already very talented individuals for The Mandalorian Season 3. The question still remains on who he will be playing.

There are many possibilities. For all we know, he can be portraying an older Mandalorian, sort of like how he played Commander Kruge in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Perhaps he will be another scientist akin to Doc Brown from the Back to the Future franchise. Perhaps he is the one who is working to bring Snoke to life? Christopher Lloyd is a very versatile actor with so many amazing roles under his belt. With that being said, I do have an idea of the possible role he could be portraying. It may seem a bit out of the blue, but there is evidence that we are heading somewhere in this direction.

Could Christopher Llyod play the mad Jedi clone Joruus C’baoth?

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I Was Cloned Today!

Joruus C’baoth is the clone of a Jedi Master from the prequel era Jorus C’baoth, who has long since been lost to the ages. During the time of the Thrawn campaign, Grand Admiral Thrawn needs the clone Jedi’s battle mediation ability to coordinate his Imperial forces. Since it seems that the Mandoverse might be slowly recreating this story in some way, the mad clone may soon be making an appearance.

Christopher Lloyd will be a good pick for playing such a character. He has the right look, and good acting chops to play it off. He has the ability to be both manic and subtle. Funny and terrifying. He has just the perfect range and a gravelly voice to be able to play the wily clone who can hold his own next to Grand Admiral Thrawn.

It can also be fun to see another Legends character make a return to canon once again. Only so few have actually returned to the fold. It will be fascinating to see such a character played by a well-known character actor such as Christopher Lloyd.

Always Some Truth In Legends

We already know some things in the current Star Wars canon. The secret base of Mount Tantiss where Joruus Cboath was first discovered by Thrawn in Heir to the Empire already made an appearance in the season one finale of The Bad Batch. Like its Legends counterpart, this mountain base seems to be where cloning experiments are conducted. Will we see the crazy Jedi clone there? Will he actually appear? Maybe they will decide to switch it up and connect him to Snoke. Both directions are quite plausible at the moment. There is nothing keeping Joruus out of the current canon. Again, this is all speculation and it is hard to say at the moment if this will happen. Always in motion is the future.

As Star Wars and the Mandoverse continues, we might see more and more of a resemblance to the Thrawn Trilogy. Or perhaps not. What elements will they take from Legends and which ones will they leave behind as things move around and are expanded upon? What role will Christopher Lloyd play? No matter what, the prospect is very exciting. We will just have to stay on our toes as the project continues down the pipeline. Hopefully, The Mandalorian will continue to enter the realm of Legends in that galaxy far, far away.

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