Star Wars Concept Artist Colin Cantwell Passes away

Colin Cantwell

Colin Cantwell, the concept artist behind some of the greatest sci-fi films of all time passed away on Saturday at the age of 90. He was the creative mind behind such iconic designs as Star Wars’ Star Destroyer, X-wing starfighter, and the Death Star. He also worked closely with Stanley Kubrick on 2001: A Space Odyssey, where he is credited for special photographic effects. He is survived by his partner of 24 years, Sierra Dall.

He overcame tuberculosis and a partial retinal detachment as a boy when he was “confined to a dark room with a heavy vest on his chest to prevent coughing fits." When he emerged after two years spent immobilized in the dark room, Cantwell stated that “nothing could slow [him] down after that!” His career in design would begin when he was personally invited by Frank Lloyd Wright to attend his School of Architecture.


Colin Cantwell and his Star Wars concept art

Before Cantwell began his work with science fiction in Hollywood, he was involved in real-life space. Cantwell worked for NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs, which led up to his first job in entertainment. He was the relay between Walter Cronkite and NASA during the 1969 moon landing.

Given his eventful life and influential career, we definitely agree that nothing did slow him down.



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