5 Best Anakin Skywalker Quotes


Love the character or not, Anakin Skywalker was an integral part of the Star Wars prequel films before becoming Darth Vader, Darth Lord of the Sith, and he has some great quotes

Anakin Skywalker has to be one of the most complex characters in the Star Wars franchise, even before fell to the dark side. And, as any fan would know, instead of bringing balance to the Force as the “Chosen One” right away, he disrupts it and alters the lives of many friends, acquaintances, family members, and the love of his life Padme Amidala, while at the same time bringing us some truly iconic quotes for better or for worse, some courtesy of the mind of George Lucas.

So, in honor of the great quotes from Master Skywalker, here are some favorite Anakin quotes. Enjoy!

“I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.”-Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

George Lucas used this scene as a comment of sorts on the politics of the United States. For example, “War on Terror” that George Bush used the with us or against us argument – to the frustration of many people, Lucas included it (indeed there's a strong commentary about the Vietnam war throughout the original film).

“I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.”-Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

This quote is most often used to highlight how terrible Attack of the Clones is due in part to the apparent poor scripting and bad acting. In his defense, George Lucas has consistently said that he especially wanted this style of voice acting as that’s how it was in the good old days of Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers.

“Something’s happening. I’m not the Jedi I should be. I want more. And I know I shouldn’t.”-Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Great foreshadowing of the downfall of Anakin Skywalker.

“Well, doing what the Jedi Council says, yeah, that’s one thing. How we go about doing it, that’s another idea made by myself. That’s what I’m trying to teach you, my young Padawan apprentice!”-The Clone Wars season 1, episode 2: “Rising Malevolence”

Still strange that Anakin had a Padawan in The Clone Wars, but after viewing the show, that was a smart idea in order to get different perspectives from the characters on the show.

“Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister you were right…”-Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi

Anakin is redeemed here and is no longer Darth Vader. Many fans know this.

Growing up is when you listen to this opening speech and realize Hayden Christensen actually spoke how Darth Vader would speak, and that he did a great job throughout these movies. Although George Lucas gets the most blame for the writing for the prequels, and it’s too bad the actors like Hayden and Jake Lloyd still get the most criticism for the delivery of the lines that they were given.

Revenge of the Sith has to be my favorite in the prequel trilogy. The fall of Anakin has to be one of the most heartbreaking things in the Skywalker saga. Sure, there's is a 50/50 split amongst the fandom 20-some years later. While some moan and drop jokes on social media all day about how Anakin doesn’t like sand, others revel in his massacre of the younglings in the Jedi Temple. All that aside, however, both the child and adult versions of the Chosen One had a lot to say!

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