Why Leia Is The Most Important Skywalker


Leia Organa Solo held many titles in her lifetime: Princess of Alderaan, daughter of Bail, Breha, Anakin and Padme, sister to Luke, wife to Han, leader of the Rebellion and the Resistance, senator of the New Republic, and of course, Jedi. Her fighting spirit never wavered during her long and adventurous life.  For years she has fought against the forces of tyranny and evil, and inspired millions. Her role in the Star Wars saga was quite frankly crucial to many of the events that we see both in the films and in the expanded universe.

One might argue that even if she did not play a major role like blowing up the Death Star or redeeming Darth Vader to the Light Side,  it was her tenacity, her leadership, and her behind the scenes involvement that made the Star Wars universe progress the way it did. One might argue that she is the most important Skywalker  in the Skywalker Saga.

The Rebel  

Leia was one of the key leaders of the Rebel Alliance ever since she was young. Raised by her adopted parents Bail and Breha Organa, she was taught important values and virtues about democracy, honesty, justice, and a willingness to fight against tyranny and evil. By the time she was in  her teens she was already helping her parents organize the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, culminating in her giving the Death Star Plans to the Rebel High Command.

Even after losing her home and family, Leia continued to fight. Despite the massive losses she experienced, she never once wavered in her values. She continued to fight the good fight against the Empire on Yavin, on Hoth, and of course, on Endor. Staying true to her values, she would fight the good fight against the Empire, on Yavin, on Hoth, and of course on Endor. Many times she would be on the field right in the midst of action, sometimes even going over the heads of the official Rebellion leaders like Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar. However, her ultimate goal was always freedom.

The Senator  


Leia's fight for freedom would continue in her career as a senator in the New Republic. During the events of the Aftermath books, she would help lobby for, and eventually go over the heads of the leadership to free the Wookiees of Kashyyyk from the harsh Imperial rule. Later in her career, Leia was the first and really only senator sounding the alarm against the growing First Order. Fearing that this neo-imperialist group was planning on restoring the Galactic Empire, she went beyond the bureaucratic government and founded the Resistance.

The General


It was in the sequel trilogy when Leia took center stage. As leader of the Resistance she was the only one pursing the fight against the First Order. It was she who sent Poe to retrieve the map that would lead to the exiled Luke Skywalker. By doing this she set a chain of events in motion that would lead to Finn's encounter with Rey, who would then lead her back to Leia. Leia then sent Rey to find Luke. In time of despair, the last Jedi gave the Resistance one last hope for survival against the Dark Side and an even greater enemy lurking in the shadows.

The Other

In Return of the Jedi, Yoda spoke of another, someone who, in case Luke failed, would be the one who would bring down Emperor Palpatien once and for all. That other of course was Leia. Yoda knew that the offspring of Anakin Skywalker would be a threat to the Dark Lord. He was correct of course. When the Emperor returned, and Luke went into exile, Leia was the other who continued the fight when her brother did not. Leia was able to train Rey and thus lay the groundwork for the Emperor's final defeat on Exegol. Not only that, her most important accomplishment was her ability to finally call her son Ben Solo back to the light. With him by Rey's side, the duo were able to bring down Emperor Palpatine on Exegol once and for all.

In the end, Leia might not always have the spotlight compared to the other Skywalkers. On the other hand, her legacy and her actions were probably the most crucial in ensuring that the events of the saga played out the way it did with good winning over evil in the end. This made Leia the most important Skywalker.

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