Disney Characters Who Could Be Jedi (or Sith) in the Star Wars Universe


Disney officially acquired Lucasfilm and the Star Wars franchise back in October 2012. We all know it was only a matter of time before the move occurred. Afterall, Disney and Star Wars had intertwined ever since 1987 when the simulator ride Star Tours opened in Disneyland (Even though Disney and George Lucas had collaborated earlier in 1986 with the 3-D Captain EO).

Let’s do another thought exercise, something that Walt Disney himself could not have foreseen. After all, he passed away in 1966, years before Star Wars premiered. What if Disney characters were strong in the Force. Which side would they lean toward? We have already seen that while the Force is separated into the Light Side and the Dark side, the users themselves do not necessarily see things as black and white. Disney heroes and heroines may not automatically associate themselves with the Jedi.

8.) The Evil Queen (Sith)


This is an obvious example. The Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs could not be anything but a Sith. Her Machiavellian method of doing anything to achieve her goal is in line with the Sith doctrine. In order to kill Snow White, she was willing to change herself into an ugly old hag, going against her vanity and her desire to be “the fairest of them all.”

7.) Judy Hopps (Jedi)


The lovable rabbit from Zootopia is a Jedi through and through. She strived to make the world a better place. Even while she was on parking enforcement duty, she was keen on maintaining order and helping citizens in need. After working closely with Nick the Fox, she later persuaded the former con artist to join Zootopia Police Department, not very much unlike Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia influencing Han Solo to join the Rebel Alliance.

6.) Scar (Sith)

Another obvious choice, Scar from The Lion King would definitely be a Sith. We can compare him to Emperor Palpatine or Darth Sidious, scheming in the shadows, saying just the right thing to sway certain people into action (Thankfully Simba ran away instead of turning to the Dark Side). He was willing to play the long game to achieve his ultimate goal at domination, using and discarding pawns like the hyenas as necessary.

5.) Moana (Jedi)


A Disney princess turning to the Dark Side of the Force? How is that possible? Elsa is almost a parallel of another powerful, passionate, emotional Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. Her raw power made her formidable. While keeping herself secluded was not healthy in itself, her way of dealing with her surfacing powers was giving into emotions and “Let it go.” We all saw what happened when Anakin gave into his emotions. While Elsa did not become a villain in Frozen, it is only a matter of time before her “Let it go” mentality leads her down the path to the Dark Side of the Force.

3.) Stitch (Grey Jedi)


Stitch is what we would call a "Chaotic Good" character. He does not necessarily follow the law, and is not afraid to do the dirty work in order to help others. His destructive tendencies had been mostly curtailed from the time he spent with Lilo. However, he would not shy away from using his “dark abilities” to save his family. The definition of Grey Jedi is as controversial as our atypical Disney hero here. Can one really use the Dark Side of the Force for good?

"He is bulletproof, fireproof, and can think faster than a supercomputer. He can see in the dark and can move objects at least 3,000 times his size. His only instinct — to destroy everything he touches!"

2.) Donald Duck (Sith)


Why would Donald Duck be a Sith? He is one of the good guys. While Donald Duck is a good person deep down, and his intentions are mostly good, we do see that his anger sometimes gets the best of him. This put him on a slippery slope to the Dark Side. As we all know anger leads to hate and the Dark Side of the Force. On the flip side, his penchant for raging tantrums would make him a good Sith. The frequent bouts of anger could effectively fuel his Dark Side powers.

1.) Mickey Mouse (Jedi)


The original Disney character, the representation of all that is good in the Disney universe, of course Mickey Mouse would be a Jedi (let’s ignore his relationship to Minnie Mouse for a second). He is honest, friendly, and cares about his friends and family. His actions exemplify everything the Jedi stands for. His moral compass is unshakable and we do not see him getting tempted by the Dark Side.

Source(s): Screen Rant

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