Best Marvel Characters Created For The MCU


The vast majority of characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) can trace their roots back to Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby and the other talented writers and artists who created the comic series. While there were liberties taken with the characters, events, powers, and factions of the Marvel universe, it is undeniable that Kevin Feige and his team have made an exceptional adaptation of the comics to the big screen. Here, we will be going over the best characters that are original to the MCU, how they compliment the comic characters in the films, and what their potential is in Phase 4 of the MCU. Needless to say, there will be massive SPOILERS ahead.

10. Sarah Wilson


Sister of the newly christened Captain America, Sam Wilson, Sarah Wilson made her Marvel debut in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. A Louisiana native, Sarah was raised onboard her parents' fishing boat with her brother. She serves to keep Sam grounded and provides important insight to civilian life in the MCU, including surviving the Snap and rebuilding their life after the Blip. With her "take no nonsense" attitude, Sarah will be an excellent supporting character for Sam and Bucky going forward. 

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9. Sylvie Laufeydottir


While Lady Loki and the Enchantress are both comic book characters that heavily influenced the character of Sylvie Laufeydottir, this specific variation is a unique iteration. As the Multiverse spirals out of control as a result of the events of Loki, and variants of all kinds spill into the Sacred Timeline, Sylvie could easily fill the role of the Enchantress in the MCU, especially given that both Sylvie and Loki referred to her powers as "enchantment." If she remains true to her birthright as a Loki, she could fluctuate between Avengers' ally and villain. She will undoubtedly have to atone for her selfish actions in the Loki finale when she murdered The One Who Remains to fulfill her mission of dismantling the Time Variance Authority (TVA). 

8. Kraglin


Another character that was adapted from a comic book character but varied enough in the Guardians of the Galaxy films to be considered his own role. The comic book Kraglin made a single appearance as an insectoid alien in Tales to Astonish. With blue skin and fly-like eyes, the villainous space pirate hardly resembles Sean Gunn's portrayal of the role. In the MCU, Kraglin fills the role of Yondu's first mate and is another Marvel character who changes his allegiances as his character develops. Originally an enemy of Peter Quill and rival within the Ravager gang, he later joined forces with the Avengers to defeat Thanos in Endgame. As the Thor and Guardians franchises move on and will undoubtedly continue to explore space, Kraglin could be a valuable contact for these heroes as he rebuilds the Ravagers. 

7. Erik Selvig

Another important member of the Avengers support crew, Erik Selvig is a professor of Astrophysics of Norwegian descent. He proved invaluable in integrating Thor to Earth realm and later in combating the Chitauri during Avengers, providing the knowledge needed to close the gate above Stark Tower. His knowledge and overall friendly demeanor, if a bit prickly upon first meeting, has earned him a place as a trusted confidant of Thor and an ally to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. Selvig serves a valuable role in both exposition and plot development in multiple Marvel films, explaining to the characters, and the audience, the nature of events as they transpire. With Jane Foster, a good friend and colleague of Selvig, becoming a larger player in the Thor franchise, the professor could play a larger role in upcoming films.

6. Miss Minutes


The holographic mascot for the TVA, Miss Minutes began as a welcome comedic relief in the Loki series and quickly evolved into someone who knows more than she is letting on. With her comic-like character design, pleasant demeanor, and Southern accent, Miss Minutes strikes a positive chord with many viewers. Reminiscent of "Pip Boy" from the Fallout game series, Miss Minutes is certainly a highlight of the series, explaining the finer details of the TVA, the Sacred Timeline, and being all too aware of The One Who Remains. With Season 2 of Loki on the way, we may learn there is even more behind that orange clock face than meets the eye. 

5. Luis


The lead member of "The Three Wombats," Luis is another character who makes this list on his comedic spirit. The highly quotable nature of his lines, and Michael Pena's enthusiastic and upbeat portrayal of the character has made him a favorite of many MCU fans. This gifted storyteller is not known for leaving out details, and often takes the viewer down an entertaining path while progressing the plot. Luis, like several other MCU original characters, was so well received by the fanbase that he has become a character in the current run of Astonishing Ant-Man

4. Darcy Lewis


Making her debut in Thor, Darcy has developed from an uninterested intern into a daring astrophysicist who apprehends the rogue leader of S.W.O.R.D. Portrayed by the talented Kat Dennings, Darcy has repeatedly advocated for the good of the Avengers and sought to better understand them and the worlds they come from. She was instrumental in helping Vision reach Wanda during the events of WandaVision. Her quick wits and extensive education allow her to be the first one to grasp any kind of understanding of Wanda's world in Westview. Her knowledge and good heart would make her a welcome addition to any future MCU projects. 

3. Coulson 


Everybody's favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Coulson is Nick Fury's top ally in the Avengers Intiative. Taking point on many important recruitment targets, including Iron Man, Thor, and Captain Marvel, Coulson goes on to become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and recruit his own team. These agents undertake several dangerous missions that are often outside of the Avengers' jurisdiction. After being fatally stabbed by Loki, and serving as the motivation for the Avengers to band together and defeat the Chitauri, Coulson is resurrected by Fury's scientists. This technology, codenamed Project T.A.H.I.T.I., will later be destroyed and erased from records as immoral science. 

2. Antonia Dreykov


While the Taskmaster is no stranger to fans of the comics, the MCU iteration varies drastically from Anthony Masters, the comic book supervillain. Antonia Dreykov, the new Taskmaster, is the daughter of the Red Room's leader, General Dreykov. She is caught in an assassination attempt on her father by Natasha Romanoff. Her body, barely clinging to life, is taken to the Red Room where her damaged mind is altered with a computer chip to allow her to rapidly learn the martial skills of top Avengers such as Captain America, Bucky Barnes, and Black Panther. This chip also makes her subservient to her father, carrying out multiple murders on his behalf. Her troubled past, and the uncertain details of the Red Room's meddling makes her a fascinating character going forward in the custody of the liberated Widows.

1. Goose


Coming in at the top of the list is the notorious Flerken responsible for Nick Fury's trademark eyepatch. The standoffish and typical cat-like behaviors of the alien make it an adorable addition to Captain Marvel. Based on a similar Flerken named Chewie in the comics, Goose was dubbed in reference to the Top Gun vibes of Captain Marvel. The "cat in space" aspect of the film's third act could also be in reference to Jonesy, Sigourney Weaver's cat in Alien. True to the Skrull Talos' warning to Nick Fury, the Flerken has a penchant for danger as it devours numerous Kree soldiers while they attempt to apprehend Skrull refugees. Fury is also attacked by the cat-like creature when it claws out his left eye as they make their escape from Mar-Vell's lab.

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Source(s): Wikipedia, Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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