‘LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation' To Release August 5th

LEGO Star Wars

LEGO and Star Wars go together like peanut butter and jelly do with a sandwich and we are seeing this once again with LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation. A new addition to the many LEGO Specials, which takes place after The Rise of Skywalker, featuring the Sequel Trilogy characters. The idea of Rey, Finn Poe, and Chewbacca needing to go on vacation after defeating Palpatine is a funny idea to be sure. LEGO is always known for taking things that might sound ridiculous but making them very heartfelt and fun, adding the Sequel Trilogy as well is giving the spotlight to these characters as well.

The Sequel Era is an interesting place to have LEGO adventures together as well. It seems to be a good move for ensuring that those characters continue to get the spotlight and in a form that many fans tend to more or less gravitate around. A good combination of Star Wars, LEGO, and a great cast of characters around it as well. Hopefully, this will be another great entry to the LEGO Star Wars universe. After all, who does not love LEGO, and who does not love Star Wars? They pretty much go hand and hand at this point.


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