10 Things You Didn't Know About Bossk

The Trandoshan known as Bossk, first seen in 1980's Empire Strikes Back on the bridge of Darth Vader's flagship, is a ruthless and bloodthirsty hunter. A mentor to Boba Fett and infamous collector of Wookie pelts, Bossk had a preference for explosives, bladed weapons, and his Relby V-10 blaster rifle. A worshiper of the Trandoshan goddess, the Scorekeeper, Bossk sought to claim the greatest trophies in the galaxy in her honor to gain renown, glory, and favor in the eyes of his deity.

Even as a background character in Episode V, Bossk stood out to fans, as so many Star Wars aliens do, evolving into rich characters with fleshed out cultures and backstories, making appearances in books, video games, comics, and as merchandise. Here are some of the facts about Bossk that fans may have missed, both canon and Legends.

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1. Hatchling Name

As with many aliens in Star Wars the Trandoshan's have a strong culture, a feature of that being the common extraterrestrial trope of complicated names. Bossk's name is no different, with his full name being; Bossk'wassak'Cradossk. While this is certainly a mouthful, it is interesting that his father's name, Cradossk, is so prominently featured in Bossk's full name. Perhaps this is the Trandoshan version of a family name.

2. Sibling Snack

While it isn't uncommon for wild animals on Earth to have a high mortality rate, including cannibalism, it is interesting to see that in a sentient species in the Star Wars universe. Such is the case with Bossk and many other Trandoshans. Upon his hatching, Bossk devoured his other, freshly hatched, brothers and sisters, including several that hadn't even made it out of their eggs. This pleased his father as it demonstrated that Bossk would be an aggressive, unrelenting, and brutal hunter.

3. Bounty Hunter Buddies

Bounty hunters in the Star Wars universe frequently assist one another, as a hired gun, a getaway driver, or a variety of other roles, all for a cut of the profit. Hunters went as far as founding the Bounty Hunter's Guild, an organization that Bossk's father, Cradossk, was the longtime leader of. The Guild protected members and provided the best equipment, weapons, ships, and targets for those hunters who proved competent and efficient. Bossk was a longstanding member, and eventual leader, of the Guild and was also part of a syndicate known as Krayt's Claw. This band of bounty hunters was led by Boba Fett, who was barely 13 at the time, and had a rotating cast of members including Dengar, Latts Razzi, and, briefly, Asajj Ventress.

4. Bounty on Bespin

One of the few individuals to elude Bossk was the smuggler and Rebel General, Lando Calrissian. Before his time fighting with the Alliance, and shortly after he became the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Lando fell into Bossk's crosshairs, barley escaping with his life. The former leader of Cloud City, unhappy with losing his gig to Lando, hired Bossk to eliminate the charismatic Calrissian. Sneaking through the relatively lax security, Bossk and a team of murderous hired guns sabotaged critical equipment to lure Lando into an ambush. Fortunately, Lando preferred to travel with an entourage and, as we saw in Empire, always has a few tricks up his sleeve to summon help at a moment's notice. The summoned guards were able to drive away the would-be assassins, with Bossk forced to slink back to his employer, humiliated.

5. Deadly Deity

As mentioned above, Bossk was a devote worshipper of the Scorekeeper. This goddess, watching Trandoshan hunters from beyond time and space, awarded "Jagannath points" to these hunters based on their kills. Wookies were regarded as especially worthy kills, earning a large amount of points, but any opponent especially rare or deadly would earn high points. However, a hunter risked having his point total zeroed if he was captured or dishonored on the battle field. Bossk felt that the Scorekeeper favored him, due to his large number of Wookie kills, and vowed to add Chewbacca's pelt to his collection in his goddess' honor.

6. 2nd Fastest Hunk Of Junk In The Galaxy

Much like his adversary, Han Solo, Bossk owned a Corellian-made freighter that didn't look like much, but had it where it counts. Dubbed The Hound's Tooth, it featured a Class 1.5 hyperdrive and enough storage space for four targets. Originally a YV-666 series freighter, Hound's Tooth was heavily modified, as were most ships of underworld characters. The freighter was large enough for a single-ship hanger and was accordingly complemented with a snub fighter, a Z-95 Headhunter, the Nashtah Pup.

7. Imperial Enforcer

While bounty hunting during the days of the Republic, Bossk was forced to be somewhat conservative with his tactics, relegated to less lethal means of capturing his prey alive in order to receive payment. Under the Empire, however, Bossk found new purpose as a hired gun in the Outer Rim. His Republic criminal records were expunged by the new regime, allowing him to move freely and avoid planetary authorities. Issued an Imperial Peace Keeping Certificate, Bossk was enabled to kill at near whim, blasting his way through anyone standing between him and his prey. This resulted in much collateral damage and the killing of multiple innocent bystanders, including Hal Horn, a respected Corellian Security officer.

8. Dr. Bossk

George Lucas' inspirations are many and wide spread, from Westerns, to Samurai films, the Hidden Fortress to Dr. Who. In the case of Bossk's flight suit, it may be completely recycled. The yellow suit Bossk is usually seen wearing, complete with tubing and harness, is extremely reminiscent of a costume worn by a side character in the First Doctor's tenure in Dr. Who. Supposedly, Dr. Who and Empire Strikes Back used the same prop house during both of their filming in the U.K., a decade apart, so it is plausible that the costume is the exact same piece. Regardless, we are sure it is no accident that Lucas, self-described lover of Dr. Who, dressed his background character in homage to the show.

9. Delicious Dad

While Cradossk was highly influential on Bossk's early life, the younger Trandoshan came to resent his father, and was reclusive and secretive about his early life. These feelings came to a head when Bossk began a coup against the Bounty Hunter's Guild, which was under the leadership of his father. Bossk cornered Cradossk at the Guild headquarters and devoured his father alive. The bounty hunters split into a civil war, with the younger, more radical hunters seeking to drive out or slaughter the "older, lazier" generation of bounty hunters over years of bloody infighting.

10. Lost Limbs

Star Wars is no stranger to lost limbs. Maul, Anakin, and Luke have all met the wrong end of a lightsaber, as has Bossk. Learning that Han Solo's friend, Luke Skywalker, was returning to Tatooine to attend Biggs Darklighter's funeral, Jabba the Hutt dispatched Bossk to capture the young Rebel pilot, hoping to learn Solo's location. Bossk was able to briefly capture Skywalker but, using his father's lightsaber, Luke defeated Bossk in combat and escaped. The fight cost the bounty hunter an arm and a leg. Fortunately, as a Trandoshan, Bossk was able to regrow his lost limbs and resume his career of hunting.

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Source(s): Wookieepedia, Screen Rant

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