10 Things That Don't Make Sense About Qui-Gon Jinn


Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the most powerful and wisest Jedi in the time before the Clone Wars, but there were several things that didn’t quite make sense about Qui-Gon himself. Here are 10 things that don’t make sense about Qui-Gon Jinn:

10. Why Didn't He Reach Out To Anakin When He Was Turning To The Dark Side?

Qui-Gon was very powerful, since his knowledge of the Force was very vast. He was the first known Jedi to achieve the Force ghost ability, which shows us how powerful he actually was. After his death, Anakin fell to the dark side many years after. Qui-Gon could have manifested himself to Anakin to warn him about the path that he was taking, but he did not.

9. Why Did He Insist On Training Anakin If There Was Darkness Sensed Within Him?

It is well known that Master Qui-Gon followed his beliefs, but it makes no sense why he wanted to train Anakin if he saw the fear inside him, as the Jedi Council members did. Anakin’s inner conflicted path was very well known to Qui-Gon, yet somehow he believed that he could change this within Anakin. It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if Qui-Gon survived the duel with Maul on Naboo. 

8. He Never Tried To Stop Dooku

Again, going back to his Force ability, it makes no sense that Qui-Gon never sensed Dooku’s turning to the dark side, or why he never attempted to stop his former master before the war scaled to the full Clone War. If Qui-Gon had survived the duel on Naboo,  everything could have changed during the Battle of Geonosis.

7. Why Did He Keep Jar Jar After His Escape From Naboo?

Although Jar Jar helped with the Battle of Naboo, his clumsy ways seemed to annoy Qui-Gon and other characters along the way. He kept Jar Jar as a sign of pity, as he truly wasn’t needed after the escape from Naboo, since many of the events that happened after, could have happened without him. 

6. Why Did He Never Share His Knowledge Of His Ability To Obi-Wan While Training Him?

Qui-Gon taught the ability of becoming a Force ghost to Kenobi after the Clone Wars, but why did he wait so long to teach his own padawan? Did he not believe that Kenobi was ready to master the ability until after the duel on Mustafar?

5. He Wasn't A Fan Of The Jedi Code

It is well known that Master Qui-Gon did many things against the Jedi code, like when we wanted to train Anakin. This was impossible  at first since he already had an apprentice. Qui-Gon felt that many of the rules didn’t make sense, or that they were too obsolete. So then why did he stay with the Jedi Order if he did not agree with all the rules?

4. He Sensed Maul But Could Not Sense Palpatine

Qui-Gon encounters Maul, of course. But why did he not sense Sidious? Yes, he had a fight with Maul, and Palpatine was powerful enough to hide his presence, even from Windu, and Master Yoda. But Qui-Gon was powerful enough to even sense the Chosen One himself, so it makes no sense that he couldn’t feel Sidious’ presence.

3. How Did He Learn The Force Ghost Ability Before Yoda?

Something that upset some fans who watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith is the idea that Qui-Gon was the one who taught the ability to transfer one’s consciousness, after death. Yoda and Mace were extremely powerful in the Force, so why couldn’t learn the ability before him? One can only speculate that this was planned by the Shaman of the Whills themselves, and they preferred to choose Qui-Gon, as they might have an idea of what would happen in the future.

2. Why Didn't He Appear In Return of the Jedi?

If Qui-Gon was the one who taught the ability to become a Force ghost to Yoda and Obi-Wan, he should have been there at the end of Episode VI. Yes, we know that the original trilogy came many years before the prequels were made. But why didn't George Lucas add him to the re-releases? Qui-Gon is such an important character to the Skywalker saga.

1. His Overconfidence

Qui-Gon was too confident throughout the events of The Phantom Menace. Although his confidence was in his favor, throughout most of the events of the film, it ended up betraying him in his duel with Maul. Qui-Gon believed he had the advantage as he had control over his patience, but his own believes betrayed him as he was killed due to his own confidence.

No matter how many events during the timeline of Qui-Gon Jinn don’t actually make a lot of sense, we can’t deny that he was a big part of the Skywalker saga, and if he had lived, many events would have changed for the good of the galaxy. 

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