5 Interesting Facts About Ki-Adi-Mundi


Ki-Adi-Mundi was a rather interesting member of the Jedi Council. From breaking the Jedi cardinal rule regarding relationships in Legends to his interesting physiology, there is a lot that can be said about the Cerean Jedi Master. Here are five interesting facts about Ki-Adi-Mundi.

5. He Had A Binary Brain And Two Hearts.

The Cerean species are known for their extraordinary thinking abilities. This is made possible by the binary structure of their brains. Because of this, Ki-Adi-Mundi, as with other members of his species, can think about two issues at once. In order to support their binary brains, the Cerean also have two hearts. Ki-Adi-Mundi was valued by the Jedi High Council for his intelligence, and with the "processing power" his species possesses, it is no wonder why this is. 


4. Not Only Did He Break The Jedi Cardinal Rule On relationships, But He Was Also Polygamous. (Legends)

Ki-Ai-Mundi's wife in Legends comics

Though this was part of the Legends continuity, there was a time when Ki-Adi-Mundi not only broke the rule regarding relationships, he did so with interest! Ki-Adi-Mundi had five wives and seven children. The council allowed this exception to the rule due to the low birthrate on Cerea. Therefore, his marriages were not for love but for practical reasons. He still struggled with not forming emotional attachments with his family as he did care deeply for them. 

3. Mundi Found The Adventurous Ways Of Anakin Skywalker And Ahsoka Tano To Be Unusual.

During the height of the Clone Wars, Mundi sat on the Jedi High Council and oversaw a huge portion of the missions, including those conducted by Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. However, his strict adherence to logic found their way of doing things to be too adventurous and unusual. On the flip side, he would sometimes contradict himself like when he said that he did not believe in luck, but would later say that his troops needed some luck in order to reach the landing zone on Geonosis. Mundi proved to be a rather complex character indeed. 

2. Mundi Was The One Who Informed Ahsoka Tano That She Was Banished From The Jedi Order.

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano was put on trial by the Jedi Council after being arrested by Clone Commander Fox for the alleged murder of the smuggler Letta Turmond. Though Tano tried to plead for her innocence, Mundi was not convinced, pointing out that Tano was alone with Turmond when she died. It was then decided that Tano would be expelled from the Jedi Order. As her platform was lowered, it was Mundi who told Tano that she was banished and stripped of her Padawan status.

1. Silas Carson Initially Did Not Audition For Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Silas Carson

Silas Carson played Ki-Adi-Mundi in the prequel trilogy. However, he did not audition for the role at first. Originally, he auditioned for a supporting fighter pilot, which was cut from the film. Lucas saw Carson's audition video and was so impressed by it that he offered the role of Ki-Adi-Mundi to Carson. The actor was not given any backstory on the character, so he was left to create one. Carson prepared for the role by studying elderly people and how they spoke. He spoke slowly not only because of the Jedi’s age, but also to portray the Jedi’s wise nature.

Carson clearly enjoyed playing the role, stating that he thought the design was "amazing, because it incorporates so many different things...[he] looks part Native American and part European, and he's got a wonderful, wise face." 

What do you think of our list? It is clear that Ki-Adi-Mundi was quite an interesting character in both canon and Legends.



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