The Top 5 Secrets Emperor Palpatine Kept From Everyone

The Rise of Skywalker teaser poster

Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire was one of the most powerful beings in the known galaxy. Because of this, he had secrets, several secrets in fact. Some that he would even keep from his apprentice Lord Vader and the rest of his inner circle. So what were the secrets of the Emperor, what sort of dark and mysterious things did he have during his time as ruler of the galaxy. Here are the top five secrets of Emperor Palpatine

Operation Cinder

Operation Cinder Palpatine

Some people take secrets to their grave, the Emperor however unleashed one of his greatest secrets after he died the first time on the Death Star. That big secret of course was the contingency and Operation Cinder.


The Emperor believed that if he died then the Emperor should die with him. That is when Operation Cinder was activated. Several highly intelligent sentinel droids were sent to various Imperial officers throughout the galaxy. Those Palpatine knew would be loyal were sent messages with particular orders to destroy loyal Imperial worlds as a message to those who had failed him, as punishment. This entire operation was carried out by one Gallius Rax, who was kept in the background of the Empire through most of his reign and only known by the closet of his inner circle. Not even Darth Vader himself knew of Rax or perhaps of the contingency himself.

Vader’s Replacements

Vader Palpatne's Apprentice

A Sith must always prove their strength, and Palpatine was always testing his apprentice's strength, however, should he fail, there were always other contenders to the role of Sith apprentice.

Over the years Palpatine always looks for various replacements for Vader in the event that his apprentice either loses his way or is fallen in battle. From the many Sith Cultists on Exegol to experiments on various force-sensitive individuals, to even the Inquisitors themselves, all of them are candidates to be the heirs of the Darkside. 

One of the Emperor's minions Cylo, a cyborg engineer made various cybernetics Dark Side wielders who could possibly be replacements for the Dark Lord of the Sith. One of them is a Mon-Cala based on the design of General Grievous.

Vader took down these replacements, but that didn’t mean the Emperor still had a few secrets left up his sleeve.

Throneworld Of Darkness

Palpatine's throne on Exegol

Palpatine would always have secret bases and locations all over the galaxy, but none of them were quite as horrifying and imbued in the Dark Side as Exegol.

In the Sith world of Exegol Emperor Palpatine had managed to make himself essentially his own personal Kingdom separate from the Empire and the rest of the galaxy. Here a loyal cult practically worshiped him as a god and was completely devoted to him and the nature of the dark side of the Force. Using a mix of modern and ancient technology, Palpatine had managed to give himself power and weapons the likes of which the galaxy would never see before. 

Though it was on Exegol that was perhaps his greatest secret yet.

Immortal Emperor

Palpatine clone from The Rise of Skywalker

When it comes to Palpatine his greatest desire was to become immortal and rule the galaxy forever. To that end, he and his Sith Eternal followers on Exegol were able to crack the code to allow the dark lord to live forever. In the form of a clone body.

This clone body would act as a vessel should the Emperor lose his own. Palpatine would transfer his spirit into the clone and thus allow him to live should something happen to him. Of course, there were complications. The body began to decay immediately after his spirit entered it, and thus the Sith Eternal spent decades trying to keep it alive as they made a new one.

All the experiments that happened on Exegol led to a secret that would lead to the Emperor’s final downfall.

Family Of The Emperor

Palpatine's son

Emperor Palpatine had a son, although not of a natural nature, he was a non-identical clone of the Emperor created during one of his many experiments on Exegol. This son of his though was not force-sensitive and instead was considered a failure. However, he was kept around to continue the Palpatine bloodline in more natural means.

These more natural means though were to prove the Emperor’s downfall, for the son managed to escape and find love. Together they had their own child and named her Rey. Rey would grow up to become a powerful Jedi and one day meet her evil grandfather and destroy him once and for all.

Thus making the Emperor’s greatest secret his greatest undoing.

Palpatine had many secrets, and probably many more to be revealed, however, these five are probably at the top of the list, when it comes to the mysteries of the Emperor of the Galactic Empire.



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