5 Things You Didn't Know About Master Yoda

Yoda with lightsaber ignited

Star Wars has been made famous by many different things from its sweeping scores, to its beautiful worlds. Despite these though, I feel that the most important aspect and most notable is its characters. Star Wars characters are probably the most well-known characters in film history. However, as well known as these characters are there is still quite a bit we don’t know about them.

Jedi Master Yoda is one of the most well-known and important characters in all of Star Wars. Although looking back, we never really learn much about him. I believe him to be one of the great mysteries of Star Wars! A small life form with great power and wisdom that has lived nearly a thousand years, how could there not be mysteries surrounding him? Let’s go over just a few things you may not know about him.

Yoda and his Master N’Kata Del Gormo

1. Yoda’s Master

Very little is known about Yoda’s younger years. However, according to legends, it's said that Yoda was from a remote planet. During this time he had no knowledge of his Force-sensitivity. It wasn’t until he, along with a human friend left their home world to find employment in the Core worlds. On the journey, their barely put-together ship was hit by an asteroid crippling the craft. All seemed hopeless until they drifted close to a star system where they used the last of their ship's power to crash land on another remote swampy planet.


After spending a few days on the planet and rations running out they stumbled upon a strange being. It was this being that revealed to Yoda the truth about his Force-sensitivity. His name was Jedi Master N’Kata Del Gormo. Master Gormo took Yoda as his apprentice, training him in the ways of the force.

2. Achieved Master Rank In Less Than 100 Years

After his training on that mysterious planet with Master Gormo, Yoda was taken to Coruscant. There he continued his training studying under Jedi Master Face Coven. After passing The Gathering and building his lightsaber, Yoda soon rose through the Jedi ranks becoming a Jedi Knight.

Yoda went on many important missions as a Jedi Knight. His skills with a lightsaber were known to be of the greatest ever known. He remained wise beyond his years. By the age of 96 he had become a Jedi Master, and soon after was elected to join the Jedi Council.

Yoda and a young count dooku

3. Master Of Count Dooku

Not very long before The Invasion of Naboo, during the era of the Galactic Republic, Yoda took on his last known Padawan. Now legend says that Yoda took on upwards of 20,000 students throughout his lifetime. His final thought would play a very big role in the downfall of the Jedi Dooku.

Initially, Dooku wanted a different Master to oversee his training. However, upon finding out that Yoda was to be his Master his disappointment subsided. Dooku witnessed many things under Yoda’s guidance. Not the least of which was during a mission on Kashyyyk where Dooku watched his master confront and defeat a giant creature that craves the blood of Force-Sensitive beings. Many years after Dooku graduated to becoming a Jedi Knight, he informed his master that he would renounce his commitment to the Jedi Order.

Yoda and Anakin Skywalker

4, Mentoring Anakin Skywalker

During the Clone Wars, Yoda took it upon himself to help to guide Anakin Skywalker after he came to Yoda about his fears of losing loved ones. Yoda was the one who assigned Ahsoka Tano to be Anakin’s Padawan. He felt that by becoming a teacher himself Anakin would develop his emotions so that when the time was right he’d be able to let go of his attachments.

This ultimately failed. After Ashoka left the Jedi Order Anakin began to question the Jedi’s ideals. Although Yoda only meant to help Anakin, it was his own fear that clouded his judgement. That allowed him to be blinded to the truth. After Anakin destroyed the Jedi order due to his own guilt, Yoda went into exile on Dagobah.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda comic excerpt

5. Received Training From Qui-Gon Jinn

After the Clone Wars had ended and the Jedi Order was all but destroyed Yoda sought refuge on Polis Masa. There he communed with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn who offered to train Yoda in secret with techniques he had learned after his death on Naboo at the hands of Darth Maul.

In secret, on Dagobah, Qui-Gon trained Yoda on the ability to retain his identity after death. What we know as becoming a Force Ghost. This ability proved useful during the Galactic Civil War era as Obi-Wan Kenobi used it to train Luke Skywalker after his death. This was due to Yoda teaching Obi-Wan to commune with Qui-Gon. Many speculate that we will see Obi-Wan do this in his upcoming Disney+ series. We will soon find out!



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