6 Things You Didn't Know About Chewbacca

Chewbacca is one of the main characters that we see the most throughout the Skywalker Saga, yet surprisingly little is ever learned about him in the movies. Despite being the easiest character to spot in any group, most people know more about his companions than the Wookiee warrior himself, so here are a few things you should know about Chewbacca.

Starting with a few fast facts about everyone’s favorite Wookiee, he was born in 200 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) on Kashyyyk to his father, Attichitcuk, and an unnamed female Wookiee. Chewie was a towering 7 and a half feet tall and nearly 250 pounds, and he had blue eyes. He fought across all 3 major eras: in the grand army of the republic, the rebellion, and the resistance, the only main hero we know of to do so.


Now, here are the 6 facts from Star Wars canon about Chewbacca that you need to know:

1. Chewbacca Has Met And Worked With Most Of The Same Jedi From The Old Republic As Luke Has

In the canon timeline, the first time we meet Chewbacca is when he is captured as a slave during the clone wars and escapes with the help of Ahsoka Tano. He is then later seen helping Jedi Master Yoda escape Order 66 at the Battle of Kashyyyk, and of course, he meets Obi-Wan as Ben Kenobi in A New Hope on Tatooine.

2. Chewbacca Would Have Joined The Rebellion Earlier, If Not For Han Solo’s Aversion To It And Chewie’s Life Debt To Han

Chewbacca was a general in the Clone Wars, fighting alongside Jedi for the greater good and the freedom of his planet. Wookiees are known for their deep ties to their family and friends, and Chewbacca was no exception. In A Smuggler’s Run, it alludes that Chewie wanted to join the fight against the Empire but couldn’t due to his debt to Han, and it is very possible he played a part in convincing Han to eventually join.

3. Chewbacca Has A Family On Kashyyyk That Lived Through The Rise Of The Empire

Chewbacca was known to deeply love his wife, Mallatobuck, and son, Lumpawaroo. Once the Empire had been defeated, Chewbacca retired from the military to spend time with his family on Kashyyyk.

Wampa in ice cave

4. Chewbacca Was Captured By A Wampa On Hoth

Prior to the events of The Empire Strikes Back, Chewie was assigned to dig tunnels in Echo Base and accidentally stumbled upon a wampa trapped in a cave beneath the rebel base. The wampa managed to capture Chewie and held him hostage. With the help of Princess Leia, he was freed and they fled from the wampa, leaving it trapped in the cave again.

5. Chewbacca Was Instrumental In The Liberation Of Kashyyyk After The Empire Fell

After the death of the Emperor, the remaining Imperial leadership desperately held on to the worlds they had once governed without question. Chewbacca was determined to free his people and, despite getting captured, was able to track down the governor of Kashyyyk who was enslaving his planet. With the help of the New Republic, including Admiral Ackbar and Princess Leia, Chewie freed Kashyyyk from the Empire.

6. Chewbacca And Luke Spent Time On Ahch-To Remembering Han Together

While the scene did not make it to the movie, during Rey’s time on Ahch-To, Chewbacca told Luke about Han’s death. Luke was devastated to learn of his friend's death and Chewie confronted him, and they spent time on the Falcon remembering their many adventures with their departed friend.

It is clear that the beloved Wookiee played an instrumental role throughout the entire Skywalker Saga. Chewbacca ensured the safety of Master Yoda, and by extension helped to save the Jedi and defeat the Emperor. He rescued countless rebels and innocent civilians from the clutches of the Empire and the First Order and contributed to most of the major battles throughout three eras of the galaxy, and was the better half of Han Solo.



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