Content Writer

Team: Writing

Volunteer Position


The Content Writer reports to the Managing Editor (Writing) and is responsible for writing various articles for our online magazine.


- Meet deadlines and promptly discuss any extenuating circumstances with the Managing Editor (Writing).

- Write assigned long-form articles; if unfamiliar with the subject, coordinate with the Managing Editor.

- Write assigned news articles, even if unfamiliar with the topic (information is provided).

- Pitch article ideas and choose from approved pitches.

- Attend weekly writing team meetings or read provided
information and respond if needed.

- Fill out the Writing Team Availability Tracker monthly and update if changes occur.

- Fill out the Writer Preferences sheet and other documents as needed.

- Follow all guidelines set for article writing.

- Behave professionally and be a team player.

- Know Basecamp, Discord, and Squarespace (or be willing to learn).