Who Is This Heroine Who Will Appear in ‘Captain America: New World Order’?

Comic book image of Sabra, and a red carpet photo of Shira Haas.

Image Source: SBS News

Recently, at Marvel’s D23 Expo presentation, the cast of Captain America: New World Order was revealed. It will feature Anthony Mackie as Captain America, Tim Blake Nelson as “The Leader,” and Danny Ramirez and Carl Lumbly as Joaquin Torres and Isaiah Bradley. Finally, Shira Haas will be introduced as Sabra. This fourth Captain America film is set to be released on May 3, 2024.

For those not familiar with Sabra, she first appeared in the Incredible Hulk #250 in a cameo before making a full appearance in Incredible Hulk #256.  In Marvel Comics, Sabra is the alter ego of the Israeli superheroine Ruth Bat-Seraph, a mutant who possesses superhuman abilities and is known to serve in the Israeli secret service known as the Mossad.  Some of her powers include enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and stamina.


Shira Haas is an Israeli actress, originally known for her roles in local films and television that debuted in her home country.  More recently, she has gained international fame for her role in the Netflix miniseries Unorthodox, in which she was nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Emmy.

As Marvel continues to move forward to Phase Five, it will continue to be interesting to see what new characters and actors are added to the MCU.



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