Who Is Mister Immortal From ‘She-Hulk’?

Men being… well, men in She-Hulk have been common throughout the series. Between Jessica’s date only being interested in her while she’s in She-Hulk form and Hulk getting disconcerted by the fact that Jessica’s powers are clearly better than his, men have been living up to the “why are men” stereotype. 

The latest man is exhibiting one of the most incredible abilities anyone has ever seen but is also using it in a way that should be no surprise to anyone. Craig Hollis is Mister Immortal, whose namesake is his exact power: he’s immortal. He chose to exploit his power, which is both genius and worthy of a solid facepalm. That exploitation is how he ended up in front of Mallory Book and Nikki at GLK & H.


Whenever Mister Immortal is tired of being in his current marriage, he “unalives” himself. In his first scene, he jumps out of a window onto the street below (on a car for extra dramatic effect), dies for a second, then rolls off of the car and dusts himself off as if nothing happened. All because he doesn’t want to listen to Mallory and Nikki explain that he’s screwed up. 

Since he has done this multiple times, he has to contend with a room full of angry exes who want to see Craig get his comeuppance. So Nikki ends up sitting on the conference room table, coming up with amicable settlements for everyone involved.   

Mister Immortal in She-Hulk

Image Source: Men's Health

But what about Mister Immortal’s past? First appearing in West Coast Avengers #46 in 1989, he was blessed with an appearance by Deathurge shortly after his birth (and shortly before his mother’s death). Craig’s mother made Deathurge swear that he would look after him. Craig Hollis became best friends with “D’urge,” but that also involved being influenced by him to do life-threatening actions, like playing in the street and setting his house on fire. 

Once an adult, Mister Immortal decided that he would use his powers for good and become a superhero. He also felt forming a team would benefit him, thus creating the Great Lakes Avengers or GLA. The original members featured Flatman, Doorman, Big Bertha, Leather Boy, and Dinah Soar, the latter with which Mister Immortal formed a romantic relationship. 

At one point during Craig’s life, Deathurge reveals that he will be the last remaining survivor of the universe and that the “grand secret” will be revealed at the end of all things. Because of his immortality, Mister Immortal tends to take the most dangerous role in missions because even if he dies, he will still survive. He also battles depression, as he constantly has to see people he loves and cares for die. 

Interestingly, Mister immortal is the only known being of Homo supreme, an evolution stage higher than Homo sapiens (humans) and Homo superior (mutants). He prefers to identify as a mutant as opposed to Homo supreme since he is the only one. His powers include retroactive immortality and immediate healing. One interesting thing to note is that if Mister Immortal sustains a non-fatal injury, it will heal at an average human rate. But, because his powers are so strong, if he does receive a fatal wound, he will recover within seconds to upwards of ten minutes. 

The comic book version of Mister Immortal getting decapitated

Image Source: What Culture

Several of his “life-ending: injuries include suffocation, stabbing, decapitation, incineration, drowning, and explosion. Whenever he revives, he is usually furious, lashing out at everyone around him. But, before her untimely death, Dinah Soar would calm him down by uttering a single word, bringing him out of his rage.

Will we see more of Mister Immortal in the MCU in the future? Only time will tell. And hopefully, it’s in our lifetime and not Mister Immortal’s.  



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