Who Are The Wrecking Crew?

The Wrecking Crew and She-Hulk

Image Source: Cine Dope

At the end of the third episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Jennifer Walters is jumped by a group of thugs wielding tools that they stole from an Asgardian construction worker. Walters transforms into She-Hulk and fights them off without much effort. The group reconvenes in their van, and we learn that they were sent by someone to steal a sample of She-Hulk’s blood. It’s not mentioned in the show, but these thugs are known as the Wrecking Crew. So, who are the Wrecking Crew?

Dirk Garthwaite was a burglar who used a crowbar for breaking and entering. One time, he broke into an apartment occupied by Loki who was supposed to get a power upgrade from the Norn Queen. The additional powers were accidentally given to Dirk instead of Loki and Dirk became Wrecker. Wrecker had a grudge against Thor and while fighting Thor in the subway, he touched the third rail which transferred his powers into his crowbar.

While in prison, Wrecker puts together a crew. He, Dr. Eliot Franklin, Brian Philip Calusky, and Henry Camp plan an escape. Once out, they find Wrecker’s crowbar during a lightning storm. A bolt of lightning hits the crowbar which transfers the powers to the four members of the Wrecking Crew giving them the strength to lift 10 tons. With the powers come new names. Dr. Franklin takes the name Thunderball, Calusky takes the name Piledriver, and Camp takes the name Bulldozer. They also each have their own signature weapon. Wrecker has his crowbar, Thunderball uses a wrecking ball, Piledriver uses his large fists, and Bulldozer has a metal construction helmet.

She-Hulk and Wrecking Crrew

Image Source: IGN

The Wrecking Crew is a pretty run-of-the-mill supervillain team. They spar frequently with Loki since their powers were rightfully his. They also fight at one time or another with most of the Marvel heroes. They’re strong enough to put up a fight but rarely win against the heroes.

She-Hulk appears to be taking liberties with the Wrecking Crew. In their one scene so far, they do not appear to have powers. They seem completely inept and overmatched. They do have their signature tools, but those seem to do little more than glow. The show is a comedy and the Wrecking Crew’s appearance was played for laughs. We’ll have to wait and see if they remain a joke or become a more serious threat.



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