What Happened to Kanan Jarrus' Lightsaber?
Image Source: Starwars.com
Kanan Jarrus died at the end of season four of Star Wars: Rebels. But what happened to his lightsaber and is there a chance of it ending up in the hands of his son, Jacen Syndulla?
What Happened to the Lightsaber?
Kanan Jarrus dies saving Hera Syndulla and Ezra Bridger. A fuel depot is blown up by an Imperial Walker and Kanan uses the force to hold back the blast so they can escape. But he actually loses his lightsaber before that.
Earlier in the episode (Jedi Night) he frees Hera who is being held prisoner in the Dome, the Imperial headquarters on Lothal. As the pair battles Rukh on a balcony, His lightsaber goes over the edge.
After his death, we see it in the hands of Governor Pryce. She uses it to appease Thrawn after the explosion shuts down his TIE Defender project.
There are two possible outcomes for the location of Kanan’s lightsaber.
Image Source: Deviant Art
The Hera Syndulla Hypothesis
The last time the lightsaber is on screen it’s in the hands of Governor Pryce, in her office in the Dome. In Episode 15 of season 4, it’s destroyed in the Battle of Lothal, so it could have been buried under the rubble. The Dome does get blown sky-high, but if David Filoni wants Kanan’s weapon to survive the Dome blast, no one will argue with him. After all, no one still knows how Maz Kanata got hold of Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber.
All the Imperials are kicked off the planet after the Battle of Lothal, so it could still be there or Hera could have gone back for it. Once she knew she was pregnant, it’s possible she would have made an effort to get the lightsaber for her son. Star Wars: Rebels hinted that Kanan knew his death was coming, and that Hera was pregnant. He gives Hera Syndulla the Kalikori, saving not only her heritage, but his child’s as well. Maybe he let the lightsaber roll off the edge of the balcony on purpose, to ensure it passed to the next generation.
The Thrawn Hypothesis
Thrawn leaves for Coruscant before Kanan dies and does not return to Lothal until the last episode of the series. By this time, Governor Pryce has been captured by the Specters so she does not have a chance to hand Thrawn the lightsaber personally. However, Thrawn is known to go to great lengths to get pieces related to his enemies. He already has a Jedi Temple Guard mask used by Kanan, and a holo of Hera Syndulla’s family that had come from her father’s office.
There is plenty of time between episode 11 (Dume), where we see Pryce with the lightsaber, and Thrawn returning to Lothal in Episode 15. After it’s shown to him via holo, it’s plausible that he could have asked for the lightsaber to be shipped directly to the Chimaera in Coruscant to be examined and catalogued. Thrawn says in Episode 15, that he expected Pryce to fail in her dealings with the rebels. Thrawn might not have wanted to wait, in case the lightsaber wasn’t there when he came back.
If Thrawn did take possession of the lightsaber, then it went with him to another galaxy when he encountered the Purrgils. Does any of this matter, is Kanan’s Jarrus’ lightsaber likely to make an appearance in live-action? It’s not impossible.
There have been a LOT of Kanan Jarrus references in Ahsoka. Ezra Bridger’s new lightsaber contains an emitter-style guard on the hilt, making it a twin to his old master’s (Although, no one is quite sure how Huyang happened to have a piece of Kyber just lying around in the ship, post project ‘Stardust’).
Jacen Syndulla looks as if he is going to walk the Jedi path. He’s already been given a rare force ability known as Theran Force Listening. The first time this power was seen in Star Wars, it was used by Jacen Solo aka Darth Cadeus. With Jacen Syndulla already being tied to so many big names, it’s likely that David Filoni or the many writers in the graphic novels have plans for him. And we know Star Wars loves a son using their dead dad’s lightsaber.
So keep a lookout for a spare blue lightsaber in the Mandoverse. Hopefully it will come with a Freddy Prinze Junior Kanan Jarrus force ghost. Wouldn’t that be something?
Source(s): Star Wars Latin America Wookieepedia (1)