New Features Of 'The Legend Of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom' Provides New Possibilities For The Sequel

Image Source: GameSpot

Over in the world of Nintendo, Mario is King. You need to look no further than the recent box office to see what kind of imprint your favourite plumber has in the world.  But certainly, one of the most underrated franchises in the video game universe is the Legend of Zelda series. It quietly moves along with a fervent fanbase and never really seems to cause any stirs or drama. A new Legend game is being released next week and fans have taken notice and applauded some of the new changes to the game which appear to address the issues from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

The sequel to that 2017 hit, Tears of the Kingdom, will strive to close some gaps fans did feel held them back in Breath of the Wild, mainly the weapon durability and the ability to save your build designs. When it comes to weapons, people who played Breath used to have an issue where you would grab your weapon and whack an enemy once and watch your attack crumble to pieces and you were left scrambling around trying to find back-ups well in this new game, Link has a new ability called “Fuse”. In this ability, Link can take two items and join them together. If you want a skull on your sword, fuse it! If you want a spiked ball on a stick, fuse it! Fusing allows a player to make their weapon a little more durable and fun to attack people. Now your weapon is still going to break but at least you can delay that inevitable scramble into your inventory to keep the fight going. Recent testing has also shown that if you fuse an item, unfuse it, and then fuse it again, it can effectively reset a weapon’s strength so you may not necessarily lose it but you better be quick on the draw should you choose to try this in battle. What does this mean for you in the new game? Well, expect a better way to deal with some of the more advanced enemies in the later part of the game.


Image Source: ZeldaDungeon

Another new feature in the game that has a lot of fans excited and gives you more of that open-world exploration feel is the ability to build anything from anything. Whether you want to build a rocket-based plane, a balloon, or even just a raft to cross a river, you will be able to build and keep your items with you to keep your journey moving and while you may not be able to carry said item around with you everywhere you go in Hyrule, the new ability will allow for a quick rebuild. Link has a new ability called Ultrahand, which allows the user to essentially create whatever you want out of whatever.  These items are then powered by a battery pack that Link keeps and while some items will drain a battery faster than others, it is still a neat practical system. Ultrahand will be beneficial in trying to get into those hard-to-reach areas of the open world.

At the end of the day, Tears of the Kingdom looks to enhance the player experience in the open world and will allow for a better overall game. The user input on being able to create unique weapons and gear is going to make for some great social media content. Breath of the Wild was considered to be an all-around, perfect game so if the sequel will help right some wrongs, then expect a flawless experience, at least that is what Nintendo wants.  Fans will get a chance to know more when the game hits shelves on May 12.


Sources: IGN [1], [2]

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