Why We Shouldn't Expect A Continuation Of ‘The Force Unleashed’ Anytime Soon

Starkiller force powers

With Lucas Films Games back in control of the Star Wars Intellectual property, the 2008 Wii game, The Force Unleased was remastered and ported to the Nintendo Switch. This new release has caused a debate about whether or not it would be a good idea to make The Force Unleased 3, featuring the protagonist Starkiller, or Galen Marek. He was introduced as Vader’s apprentice during the creation of the Rebel Alliance as a pawn to overthrow Palpatine. Originally Starkiller was part of Canon, being used to tie the Prequels and the Original Trilogy together. But after Disney purchased LucasFilms in 2012, The Force Unleashed, like many of the other older Star Wars material was no longer considered Canon. Starkiller and The Force Unleashed both became part of the Star Wars Expanded  Universe.

With a revival of the series, it would cause a large number of continuity errors within the Canon universe. Not only does Disney not deem this game important enough to fit into their current Canon universe, but Starkillers’ extreme power could cause a rift with all other force-users present in Canon. There was little explanation on how he gained the ability to use the force to the extent he did in the game. In the game, he managed to use his powers to pull Star Destroyers out of the sky, resulting in the Star Destroyer crashing, and then the ship exploding on impact. This is something that we have never really seen in the Star Wars universe, even with characters being capable enough to move small ships, moving something that large with the force had never been attempted. This power makes Yoda and other Jedi and Sith look weak. However, this is not the only time Star Wars has introduced an overpowered character. Many fans criticize Rey Skywalker’s character for being in a similar situation. She essentially pulled her powers out of nowhere and become a force master with very little formal training. The only background given is the relation to Palpatine, which is where she gets her force power from. A new remake of the game is setting up Starkiller to become the new Rey in terms of character development and the backstory of where he got his powers from. Ultimately this could cause a bit of backlash in the community.


Starkiller The Force Unleashed

Along with a massive power imbalance, the new Star Wars canon content that has come out, such as Jedi: Fallen Order, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rebels, and Rogue One, and upcoming releases such as Andor and Jedi: Survivor, there is little room to fit Starkiller into any of these timelines. The space between the Prequels and Original Trilogy is slowly becoming fleshed out with books, movies, and shows and saves little room to fit a new apprentice into the mix, especially when there is no mention of an apprentice in any of the other media. Adding Starkiller could overcomplicate the current Canon storyline and do more harm than good in the timeline.

The Force Unleashed 3 would be a fun continuation to the story, but unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that Disney will go for a new game. Especially when they have many more projects that they are interested in creating, that specifically fit in their timeline of Canon events. At the end of the day, it would be too difficult for Disney to change the continuity that they currently have for the universe. Making the wrong move could cause a severe backlash as well as confusion within the timeline. There may be ‘a new hope’ for The Force Unleashed 3 in the future, but as of right now, it’s not a high priority on Disney’s radar. There is the possibility for more Legends material surrounding the game, but it is unlikely there will be Canon material, so, sit back, relax and enjoy the remastered The Force Unleashed for now.



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