Why Warner Bros. Should Release 'Batgirl' Instead Of 'The Flash'

Batgirl art

The end of 2022 is fast approaching, along with the current release date for The Flash. Directed by Andy Muschietti, the film is planned to be the Scarlet Speedster’s first major motion picture and at the moment is set to be released on June 23, 2023. Sadly though, the movie’s production has been dragging its feet for various reasons. Significant reshoots and budget concerns are only the surface causes for why the upcoming superhero film is stumbling near the finish line.

At the heart of The Flash’s roadblocks are the many controversies surrounding its main star; Ezra Miller. First cast to play the character in 2017’s Justice League, Miller initially received praise for their portrayal of Barry Allen aka The Flash. However, the past few months have cast the actor in a far different light for the fans and the general public. Among the numerous allegations against Miller are burglary, drug possession, assault and physical abuse. Needless to say, The Flash isn’t likely to hit the ground running upon its release.


This brings us to another recent controversy surrounding Warner Bros. and their new merger with Discovery. Just last week, Warner Bros. Discovery Chief Executive David Zaslav came under fire for suddenly cancelling the upcoming Batgirl. The film, which starred Leslie Grace in the titular role as well as Michael Keaton as the Batman himself, was in the final stages of post-production at the time of its abrupt cancellation. Helmed by Moroccan directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah and scored by Natalie Holt of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Loki, the movie was made as a labor of love from the entire cast and crew. The project is also notable for being the first DC film since Catwoman to star a woman of color and the first to feature an openly transgender character, played by trans actress Ivory Aquino. A high-profile comic book film with a budget of $90 million and so much talent, Batgirl should’ve been at least guaranteed for a release on HBO Max. Yet despite it being almost completed and with much time, money, and work already invested in it, Warner Bros. has decided to shelve the movie and never officially release it to the public.

Coupled with the company’s willingness to continue forward with The Flash despite its problematic star and major production setbacks, one can’t help but wonder if Warner Bros. is putting their bats in the wrong belfry. While The Flash continues to lose general interest with each passing day, Batgirl has continued to gain traction on social media, as thousands of DC fans call for the movie’s release under the hashtag #ReleaseBatgirl. Even prominent people in the world of comics such as Kevin Smith have openly criticized Warner Bros. for choosing an increasingly detrimental project like The Flash over a far more supported one like Batgirl. Even putting each film’s issues aside, Batgirl is simply more likely to make a profit than The Flash due to the strength of the Batman franchise and peoples’ continuing lack of interest in Zack Snyder’s take on the DC universe. With all this in mind, I believe it would be in the best interest of Warner Bros and the DC brand to release Batgirl in place of The Flash.

Hot off the success of The Batman and the internet’s ever-growing interest in the project, Batgirl is practically guaranteed to be a success at the box office next summer. Plus the film’s steps forward in terms of representation would help to diversify a slate of comic book films that all seem to be aimed toward their usual demographics. Meanwhile, The Flash’s bloating budget and law-breaking main star are guaranteed to hurt the film financially, along with general public apathy towards the old DCEU continuity. If Warner Bros. truly wants to compete with the MCU and stand out in a never-ending tidal wave of superhero content, releasing Batgirl instead of The Flash would be the next best step. If The Flash won’t run, then perhaps Batgirl should take flight.



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