Where Is Grogu During ‘The Bad Batch’?

Learning the name of Grogu was such an amazing discovery. Learning that he was there when the 501st legion attacked the Jedi Temple was heartbreaking. I could only imagine the trauma he went through. Even Ahsoka said that whatever happened to him afterward is lost in darkness. Many fans want to know what happened to him. How did he escape? How did he stay out of the radar of the emperor? Let’s dive in then. 

During the flashback scene Grogu shared with Ahsoka, we see some Jedi being shot down trying to protect him. You can tell he was pretty scared and became lost after the flashback ends. If you watch the scene close enough, you will notice an odd symbol. To be honest, I did not pay too much attention to the symbol, just thought it was part of the décor. That was silly of me. Dave Filoni is much smarter than allowing random symbols to be there for the sake of décor.


If we remember back to The Clone Wars series when Barriss Offee framed Ahsoka for the bombing at the Jedi Temple, there was a symbol on her door when Anakin came to confront her. That same symbol is present in Grogu’s flashback, just barely visible on a pillar on the right. Again, this is just speculation because Barriss is in prison at the time of Order 66. How would she have escaped, let alone save Grogu, who was just another pawn in the failing Jedi Order. 

If Barriss Offee did save Grogu, what happened to her afterward? Did she get caught and have to leave him in the custody of someone else while he was feeling so lost and alone? This leads us to the Bad Batch. They pick up odd jobs for money, and hiding a Force-sensitive child definitely fits the definition of odd jobs.  

Here is what I see. Barriss saved Grogu from the massacre at the Jedi temple. Perhaps she planned to start a new Jedi academy with him as its first pupil. Maybe she would go in the other direction with the Sith’s rule of two and take Grogu as her Sith apprentice. Either way, the two were probably on the run from bounty hunters as Palpatine needed Grogu for his cloning research.

I think Barriss Offee then called up Cid to have someone (namely the Bad Batch) take him to safety while she goes into hiding and leads the Empire and the Inquisitors away. We probably have not seen Grogu in The Bad Batch yet because they are building up to revealing him. You can’t just bring all the awesome characters all at once to see each other right at the beginning! That would be no fun.  

Hopefully, this little Easter egg of a symbol will be cleared up in The Bad Batch Season 2 and Ahsoka. Until next time!



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