What That Character Returning In  ‘Ahsoka’ Episode 4 Could Mean

Ahsoka Tano

Image Source: Collider


Last week’s episode of Ahsoka left most fans with their jaw on the floor and a head full of questions. How is Anakin in the world between worlds? Is it Anakin or Vader? Well, I don’t have all of the answers, but I do have five different theories as to why/how Revenge of the Sith-era Anakin is with Ahsoka in the world between worlds. 

5. It’s A Distraction

Morgan Elsbeth

Image Source: IMDb

One of the most underutilized species in Star Wars is the Nightsisters. For fans that only watch the live-action content, this is the first time they have even heard of a Nightsister. This allows for a world of possibilities that Dave Filoni could explore. Since their magic is mostly unknown to us, there is a very real chance that Morgan Elsbeth is using magic to project Anakin and distract Ahsoka from finding her way out of the World Between Worlds. In Rebels, Master Yoda was able to Force project into the World Between Worlds to speak with Ezra, so there is a chance that Elsbeth is doing something similar.


4. Ahsoka Must Choose A Side

Ahsoka v Vader

Image Source: IMDb

There have been two specific times that we have seen Ahsoka tap into the dark side of the Force, and in both cases, she dies. The first time is when she battles Darth Vader in Rebels season two episode 22. After Vader taunts her with Anakin’s voice, she channels the dark side to give her the strength to battle him and give Ezra and Kanan time to escape. We see something similar in episode four of Ahsoka when she believes that Shin Hati has killed Sabine. The Force may be testing Ahsoka by putting her before her former master and the person to whom she still has an emotional connection. By defeating him without the use of the dark side, she will prove to herself and the Force that she will not follow Anakin’s path. 

3. He Is The Father

The Father

Image Source: IMDb

n season three of The Clone Wars, there is a three-episode story arc (episodes 15-17) where Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan travel to an ethereal plane known as Mortis to answer a distress signal. There they meet the Father, the Son, and the Daughter. We learn that the Father acts as the balance between light (the Daughter) and dark (the Son), and they called Anakin there to test him and see if he is truly the Chosen One. After he passes the Father’s tests, he is informed that the Chosen One must stay on Mortis and keep the balance between light and dark. Anakin refuses and the Father warns of the doom his choice will bring upon the galaxy. Fans know that in Darth Vader’s final moments, he returns to the light and “defeats” Palpatine. It is possible that after this decision, he is pulled to Mortis or the World Between Worlds where he takes on the role that the Father had once filled. This could hint that since Ahsoka was given the Daughter’s life force during the story arc she will now represent the light which leaves the question, who will represent the dark?

2. Anakin Saved Her Like Ezra Did

Ezra Bridger

Image Source: IMDb

During season four of Rebels, Ezra finds himself in the World Between Worlds. While there, he witnesses Ahsoka fighting Vader, and he knows that this is when she dies. Rather than waiting for it to happen, he calls out to her and is able to pull her from that timeline into the World Between Worlds thus saving her. This may be what Anakin does in episode four of Ahsoka. He may have seen her falling and reached out to her before she hit the water. If that is the case, it will be interesting to see how she gets back! 

1. It’s Not Anakin

Grand Inquisitor

Image Source: IMDb

Going back to season 3 of The Clone Wars, the Son could very well reside within the World Between Worlds. In the season three story arc, we saw the Son appear to Anakin in the form of his mother, so it would be easy for him to appear as Anakin to Ahsoka. It was also shown in this story arc that the Daughter gave her life force to Ahsoka before she died which is something that has yet to be further explored. Since the Son and the Daughter were the embodiments of light and dark, we may be getting ready to watch the ultimate battle between light and dark. 

Episodes 1-4 of Ahsoka are currently streaming on Disney+, and new episodes are released every Tuesday at 6 PM PST/ 9 PM EST.



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