What Obstacles Aang Could Face In the New 'Avatar' Film

Avatar The Last Airbender

The Hundred Year War is over, and the Four Nations are at peace, but that doesn’t mean the Avatar is. Previously, fans saw Aang as a fully realized Avatar in the last ten minutes of the original series as his final chakra unlocks during the fight with Ozai. After three seasons of Aang learning the elements of water, earth, and fire, fans may get to see him master the other side of Avatarhood: keeping the peace between the nations. Although the War is officially over, many problems still linger, but thankfully the Avatar has the new Fire Lord Zuko on his side to help him rebuild the world.

The creators Michael Dante Martino and Bryan Konietzko have confirmed that each new Avatar: The Last Airbender film will be original stories and not an adaptation of the comics and graphic novels. However, the comics can still offer clues about the state of the world after the war. Here are some possible obstacles on Aang’s newest journey.



Effects Of Propaganda

Viewers saw the use of propaganda in both the Fire Nation schools and the city of Ba Sing Se. Some members of the Fire Nation may still believe in the expansion ideals of the Hundred Years War. Taking down a leader doesn’t always take down a movement. The Fire Nation had 100 years without the interference of an Avatar to spread their message of superiority. No doubt, many Fire Nation citizens still believe it. On the other side of things, many people harbor resentment against the Fire Nation for the suffering they caused. Aang must find a way to ease their suffering while protecting the innocent members of the Fire Nation from prejudice.

Preserving A Culture

As the Avatar, Aang is responsible for acting as a diplomat among the Four Nations. However, as the last survivor of the Air Nomads, he also has the heavy burden of maintaining and passing down the traditions of the monks. There were already hints of this throughout the series, but an older Aang may have a sharper sense of this responsibility especially without the war stealing his focus. Avatar Yangchen warns Aang that the Avatar at times must sacrifice spiritual needs to protect the world, but as the last Airbender, Aang has a solemn duty to pass down the Air Nomad way of life.

Avatar Yangchen

War Veterans

Soldiers from the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation all fought in the war and likely came back with some trauma. The Fire Nation veterans may have an extra layer of guilt piled on top of their trauma. Aang has the difficult task of leading them to redemption without making light of the other nations’ suffering. On the Earth and Water side, Aang must convince the people to accept the good of the Fire Nation and move past the pain of the war.

Spirit Troubles

Aside from the conflicts between the Four Nations, the Spirits may raise some trouble of their own. Aang is very in touch with the spiritual side of things throughout the series. A war that threatens the balance of the human world is sure to cause some issues to the Spirit World as well. The Avatar is the bridge between the worlds and must find a way to meet the needs of both worlds.


At the end of the series, Aang enters into a romantic relationship with Katara. This may be his greatest challenge considering his previous shortcomings in courting the Waterbender. Aang’s infamous “I’d rather kiss you than die” line is a constant source of shame for the young Avatar. The pair also have to consider what their relationship looks like without the shadow of war looming above them. As the two discover what it’s like to be in love, there are bound to be some missteps along the way.

Whatever obstacles Aang and the rest of Team Avatar face on their new journey, fans will be happy to see the Gaang back on screen. The sequel series The Legend of Korra left fans with many unanswered questions about the period between the two shows. This film may finally provide answers to those questions. No release date or cast information has been announced for the movie.




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