Was General Grievous The Best Person For The Job During The Clone Wars?

General Grievous wielding a green lightsaber

Image Source: IMDB

General Grievous was indeed the best “person” for the job during the Clone Wars as the best person to lead the droid military was more machine than a sentient being in the first place. In fact, this ruthless fan-favorite villain would evolve with time into a mostly cyborg entity with little trace, if any, of human emotion, making him the perfect enforcer on behalf of Darth Sidious and Count Dooku, thus allowing him to have a profound impact on the Clone Wars.

It is noteworthy that before his promotion to general, he defeated both the bloodthirsty, quickly able to heal and regenerate Durge as well as Asajj Ventress – landing them both near death in bacta tanks. As the double agents, Palpatine and Dooku, aka Darth Tyranus, it stands to reason that they would want someone dedicated to killing Jedi with a lust for slaughtering civilians as well. They needed someone who didn’t reason the same way as other leaders, an individual who, while triggered when mistaking him for a droid, thought like one.


Qymaen jai Sheelal fit the bill beautifully. The desensitized Kaleesh warrior would accept the proposal of Dooku and undergo numerous enhancement procedures to transform him into a cyborg, matching the monster he was on the inside. He never knew that Dooku and Palpatine ordered the sabotage of his shuttle that would crash, leaving Grievous devasted and near death. With most of his body destroyed in the incident, he would have what was left of his vital organs transferred into a new, more powerful robotic body. 

After assuming the name Grievous, he began his path toward becoming more of a machine, not just in body but in mind, losing his ability to feel or care for, that matter, any emotions. This lack of connection or attachment would serve him well. Furthermore, he was a genius at playing to the strengths of the droids under his command, finding enormous success in training and organizing the military. For each battle lost, he could win at least a dozen more.

His tactics were blunt, preferring firepower over hand-to-hand combat whenever possible. Many viewed him as a coward as he would flee at the first sign of impending defeat; however, this warlord was not force-sensitive and, until trained by Dooku, was not versed in lightsaber battle techniques. Clearly, making him weak in battle with a Jedi master. Fans would see this firsthand every time he had to deal with Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. While he made a name for himself by killing Jedi in combat, it is important to note that they were typically young and inexperienced. Grievous kept the braids of his defeated padawan victims, along with their lightsabers, as trophies of his victories. 

Eventually, Grievous met an end at the hands of Kenobi, but not before he established himself as a fearsome leader of the separatists during the Clone Wars.  



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