Is Exegol The Worst Planet In ‘Star Wars’?

Dark, ominous image of Palpatine's creepy throne on Exegol.

Image Source: Culture Slate

Could a planet be evil? The easy answer is, “No, of course, not. It’s just a planet. Planets don’t have a moral code.” Another question could be “Would you like to visit a planet where your darkest feelings take control and the search for selfish happiness is nothing but a living curse?” That question could turn a beautiful planet into the scariest nightmare.

Exegol is that planet. The first time we heard its name was in Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. In the movie, the planet is described as an obscure place. When you think about the crib of despair and pain, you might imagine skies on fire and lava in the ground, but we already have that in Mustafar. True despair and pain is being alone, and knowing you are alone, and that is the true dark nature of this place. Exegol is the absence of life, neither plants nor animals, just plain rock and your selfish thoughts. The sky can turn you mad, and you’d lose any sense of reason. You cannot see the difference between day and night. And, if these bizzare natural phenomena aren’t enough, the Sith used it as a fortress.


Mysterious Sith, holding a curved red lightsaber and wielding Force lightning on a rocky Exegol background.

Image Source: Star Wars Evreni

According to an old Jedi historian, Exegol was the product of Sith destruction. Once a planet full of life, it became the setting for the dark, characteristic rituals of the ancient order. The old myths tell of two Sith, Darth Noctyss and Darth Sanguis, who were driven to the planet by the Force. In their quest for immortality, both were shaped by the dark side into diabolical monsters. During the rule of Darth Sidious, the planet was used as a secret base for his cloning project. Exegol has repeatedly been a dark stop on the journey toward immortality.

The planet itself might not be bad, but the darkness surrounds you as gravity pulls you down. Rey’s success in communicating with all the Jedi can be a sign of the planet’s redemption. In a place where evil flourishes a thousand times, you only need one sign that it can be saved. What is the story of Star Wars if not one of redemption and love? A planet is just a planet to any of us. In Star Wars, a planet is a scenario where pain and despair can shape the destiny of an entire galaxy, but love and compassion can save it. Maybe Exegol will have a chance.



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