A Purr-fect Day At The Ottawa Cat Video Film Festival

My friend’s cat, Patate.

Things that got put on hold during the pandemic are now starting to open back up. That includes cat video film festivals

Yes, those exist.

People go to a Cat Video Film Festival for a variety of reasons. Whether motivated by cat adoption, volunteering, or just watching cat videos on the regular, attendants go for the overall purpose of celebrating their love of felines. Festivals can take place anytime and anywhere, often aiming to support the work of local rescues and charities. The proceeds from Ottawa Cat Video Film Festival will go towards the Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue. 

What exactly does a Cat Video Film Festival entail? Cat videos. That is all. 

In all seriousness, the Ottawa Cat Video Film Festival is composed of an eighty-minute reel of a variety of cat videos shown in a theater. It features videos of regular cats as well as the internet’s feline celebrities— purr-sonalities like the late Henri le Chat Noir, Marmalade of Cole & Marmalade, the animated Simon’s Cat, and Canada’s own Shorty and Kodi. 


The show is made up of many segments:


The drama section achieved its pull through clever captions depicting the amusing yet frustrating struggles of cats in their everyday lives, like using the litterbox or getting out of a carrier. There was laughter and joy throughout. Everyone appreciated the harmony of a cat meowing along with the music of his owner’s blues guitar, and there was universal applause when a struggling cat finally succeeded in getting a corn cob through the fence.


The action and adventure segment of the reel focused on all feline actions and interactions, including dramatic inter-purrsonal conflict. Serious activities such as counter jumping were interspersed with clips of kittens playing foosball and stealing licks from a whisk while hanging dramatically in the air. It also covered more serious issues like the lives of cats in the war zones in the Ukrainian town of Shostka.

Cat GIFs!!!

This first section of GIFs showcased some of the best, most amusing clips of the world’s beloved felines. Who wouldn’t laugh at the sight of a ginger kitten wiggling around in a food bowl or taking a nap at a potato stand in the market with a carrot as a pillow? These GIFs also captured your hearts as they showed cats doing things like helping a puppy through a gate or politely tapping a farmer’s leg to ask for a squirt from a cow’s udder.


The documentary clips, more than anything else, gave people a glimpse of cats in real-world situations. For example, places like the Lanai Cat Sanctuary in Hawaii take care of thousands of stray and feral cats. We also learned about the special place that cats have in the hearts of the people of Turkey, along with fun facts like the different sounds that wild cats can make. Finally, we all saw that cats are surprisingly not really lazy. They actually have jobs! Around the world, cats work as greeters at transit station scanners, homework tutors, traffic cops, and general su-purr-visors.

More Cat GIFs!!!

In this second installment of short animations, we learned that cats are liquid and defy the laws of physics. Sometimes, they coould be absolute jerks. Other times, they loved to snuggle with other animals, particularly bunnies.


This most amusing of sections also proved to be equally educational. For example, it turned out that cats could have amusing conversations about the wildlife outside their windows. We also learned that their own body parts can betray them, like their tails often interrupting their naps. They could also do human-like things like snore. They would also find ways to amuse and take care of themselves. Sometimes, they would embody the expression, “I am stealth!”

Ultimately, whatever your reasons were for going to the Cat Video Film Festival, we could all agree that cats occupy a unique space in peoples’ hearts. They make us smile, laugh, cry, and love each other just a little bit more. These videos help keep those feelings going forever.



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